CCS Point of Sale


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guides:dispensary:posorderdispensary [2010/10/18 17:28]
guides:dispensary:posorderdispensary [2018/12/23 12:10]
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-====== Patient Check-In Process ====== 
-===== Summary ===== 
-The patient check-in process in a dispensary has two parts; add a new patient/​look-up an existing patient and create a new order for the patient. The first part adds a new patient/​looks up for an existing patient.The second section of the document adds a new POS order button in the terminal for a particular patient that is initially created from CCS Office. 
-===== Guide Sub Headings ===== 
-[[guides:​dispensary:​posorderdispensary#​Add/​Search for Patients|Add/​Search for Patients]]\\ 
-[[guides:​dispensary:​posorderdispensary#​Add New Patients|Add New Patients]]\\ 
-[[guides:​dispensary:​posorderdispensary#​POS Order Settings|POS Order Settings]]\\ 
-[[guides:​dispensary:​posorderdispensary#​Steps to Add a New POS Order|Steps to Add a New POS Order]]\\ 
-===== Add/Search for Patients ===== 
-To search for an existing patient go to CCS Office >> Office Touch >> Enter Pin Code. 
-Search using driver'​s license: 
-  * Click in the 'Find Contact'​ box from the main toolbar\\ 
-  * Hit the backspace and remove the 'Find Contact,'​ swipe the driver'​s license\\ 
-If the patient is found, the patient form will appear. Check the follow-up date\\ 
-If the patient is not found, the search contact window will appear\\ 
-        ​ 
-===== Add New Patients ===== 
-You can add new patients using two methods; Using Driver'​s License and Manual Entry 
-==== Add by drivers license ==== 
-From the CCS Toolbar >> CRM >> New Contact from DL\\ 
-Swipe the DL. The name, address of the patient should appear in the window\\ 
-Press the Add Button and the Patient window will show up\\ 
-Adjust followup to match end of prescription\\ 
-==== Add by manual entry ==== 
-From the CCS Toolbar >> CRM >> New Contact\\ 
-Type in the new contact information and select File >> Save\\ 
-Adjust followup to match end of prescription\\ 
-===== POS Order Settings ===== 
-Settings that need to be checked before you add a new POS order. 
-==== Setting 1 ==== 
-Before you add a new POS Order, you need to set the business type\\ ​ 
-To do this go to CCS Office-Touch >> Control Panel >> System\\ ​ 
-  * Set Business to "​Retail\\ ​ 
-  * Set Order Type to "​Recommendation"​\\ 
-==== Setting 2: ==== 
-Go to Office Menu >> Control Panel >> Restaurant\\ 
-Place a check-mark : 
-  * Default show all users \\ 
-  * Set Refresh Pending Order Screen Every # of Seconds to 10\\ 
-==== Setting 3: ==== 
-Go to Office Menu >> Employees >> Job Types\\ ​ 
-Set the following authorizations for the job types shown below:\\ 
-  - BudTender ​ 
-    * Place a check-mark in Can See All Open Orders\\ 
-    * Uncheck Disallow Access to Other Tabs\\ 
-  - General Manager 
-    * Uncheck Disallow Access to Other Tabs\\ 
- <​note>​Make sure you have 3.15.20Z version or later of CCS software for this new feature to function properly.</​note>​ 
-==== Steps to Add a New POS Order  ====  
-  * Search for a customer contact from the contact field within the office toolbar 
-  * Click on New POS order in the Client dialog box. This adds a new POS order to the terminal 
-  * Enter code and login into your terminal 
-  * Click on Open orders from the top toolbar in the terminal screen 
-  * You will see a new POS order button created for the customer on the terminal screen 


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