CCS Point of Sale


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faq:start [2014/05/30 16:17]
faq:start [2018/12/23 11:51] (current)
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 In the image below you will either need '​OPOSCashDrawer.exe'​ or '​POSXUSBPRINTER.EXE'​ entered into the fields you see under PORT and Printer Type. In the image below you will either need '​OPOSCashDrawer.exe'​ or '​POSXUSBPRINTER.EXE'​ entered into the fields you see under PORT and Printer Type.
 ===== If I took weight out of inventory by reducing the number in the product count field in the item screen, would I be able to see that change anywhere? ===== ===== If I took weight out of inventory by reducing the number in the product count field in the item screen, would I be able to see that change anywhere? =====
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 [[http://​​help-videos/​85-dispensaries/​342-dispensary-reporting-a-analysis.html| Inventory Control - Receiving Purchase Orders ]] [[http://​​help-videos/​85-dispensaries/​342-dispensary-reporting-a-analysis.html| Inventory Control - Receiving Purchase Orders ]]
 +===== Day will not close - Gift Cards =====
 +If you attempt to close your day with Gift Cards having been issued but not paid for you will receive an error.\\
 +It's best not to leave transactions open with gift cards. This is a security feature which prevents unauthorized/​paid gift cards from being used.\\
 +But if you run into this issue:\\
 +  - Open Office
 +  - -(main Toolbar) - Reporting - Item History
 +  - Input the date 
 +  - Select 'Order Date' from the filter date type.
 +  - Press 'View Items'
 +You will have to sort by the completion date and find items without a completion date. Then you can highlight using '​Select + Click' and then right click to delete the items, or use the toolbar above.


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|