CCS Point of Sale


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office:customer_relations_management:crm_lists [2009/03/05 05:49]
office:customer_relations_management:crm_lists [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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-Contact Management Lists+====== ​Contact Management Lists ====== 
 +  Office ToolBar - CRM - Contacts
-  Office - CRM - Contacts ​ or Office - CRM - Dispatching+Learn how to create your own lists:
-This feature allows managers to customize on screen reports, that are used to view contacts or dispatchers. ​+[[Manage CRM Lists]]
-The three columns will be explained in detail:+===== What are Customer Lists? =====
-^Customized Lists:|| +The CRM list is a powerful customizable list view of fields chosen by a manager or sales rep. The "​Contacts Tree" on the left that displays ​the results:, All Contacts, All Patients, Doctors, Temp are all user defined tree nodesThe List that displays shows user defined fields from a field list selection. ​The results ​are user definedThis allows ​excellent user defined, interactive report for a common group of sales reps or users looking for common information,​ such as doctors, customers in a city or zip code, or customer accounts ​that are billableReview ​the "​Manage lists" Section ​on how to setup these lists.
-|List Name:​|This ​is the name of the list that will show on the toolbar.| +
-|Security:| This is the level of security required to view this list.+
-|Type:|This is where the list will be used and what field list will be displayed based on this selection. ​Only one field list can be used per customized list.| +
-|List Filter:|A statement that will restrict what information is displayed ​ for non searched ​results. ​When search statement is made on this list all results will show of the search statement.| +
-|Order By:|The column(s) ​that will sort the list byThe list can be later sorted by selected the column header of the on screen report.|+
-|Adding:| Lists can be added by typing ​new list in the last row of the Customized List Column.  +The navigation arrows allow movement to the next group of records. The default number of records to return is 300. To return more records, enter value in the textbox
-|Editing:| Select ​the list to edit, and then change the ListName, or SecurityOnce you set the Type of Event, you should not change it, as it will cause and error.| +Searches from this form wield yeild results from the criteria specified in the list managerSearches will be performed based on fields listedthere may be hidden fields ​as well that will be searched ​on.
-|Deleting:​|Select the grey bar next to the List Name, press the delete button ​on the keyboard.|+
-Field Selection:​ +===== The ToolBar=====
-Double click a field to add it to the currently selected list. +
- +
-^Customized List Fields:|The  list of fields are the columns that will display on the on screen report.| +
-|Name:|The field name selected, do not change this.| +
-|Width:|The width this field will display on the custom list.| +
-|Order:|The sort order of the field on the list.| +
-|Visible:​|Display the field, or don't. This is usually only used for the index field. | +
-|Note Field:|Will display the data from this column as a note in text not in the column.| +
-|Field Format:​|Will format the displayed information,​ Currency, Short Time, HH:MM, Phone| +
-|List Index:|For the current list types choose OrderID for Events, ClientID for Contacts. This is the data column that will activate a function on the on screen report|+
 +Calendar: displays the events assigned to specific dates in a calendar view.
 +Email Groups: displays the email groups form for mass emailing.
 +New Event: adds a new event with no contact, order, or representative assigned.
 +New Contact: adds a new blank contact.
 +Search field: searches all fields of contacts database. ​
 +Import Contacts: Imports contacts from Outlook 2000 and 2003 from the local outlook installation. ​


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|