CCS Point of Sale


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office:inventory:excel_import [2013/11/20 01:50]
office:inventory:excel_import [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 == Validation of Import == == Validation of Import ==
-If you want to validate the import, there are two things to watch out for. The quantity of items you are importing ​and then you can import a column into the sheet that has a sequential ​entry for each row. This way you can view your import sorted by this number. You will want to use a field such as class, subclass, or style or another field that is not used by your import.\\+If you want to validate the import, there are two things to watch out for. You want to validate the total items imported, ​and the sequential results of them. The second part is done this way:\\ 
 +Setup one column with a sequential ​number. This way you can view your import sorted by this number. You will want to use a field such as class, subclass, or style or another field that is not used by your import.\\
 You can then preview the sort window using the Pivot Reporting under Office - Reporting - Pivot Reporting. Under the Advanced Tab, use a SQL statement like this one:\\ You can then preview the sort window using the Pivot Reporting under Office - Reporting - Pivot Reporting. Under the Advanced Tab, use a SQL statement like this one:\\
-Select ProductName,​BarcodeID,​Class\\+<note tip>Select ProductName,​BarcodeID,​Class\\
 FROM tblProducts\\ FROM tblProducts\\
 This statement uses the class field as the sequential number and sorts by this number. You can use the results of the statement to verify the import. ​ This statement uses the class field as the sequential number and sorts by this number. You can use the results of the statement to verify the import. ​


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