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office:payroll:payroll_period_details [2010/09/29 19:31]
office:payroll:payroll_period_details [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 Payroll details are the individual records of an employee'​s work period. It can be listed by employee or by day. Breaks are listed for each selected work period below the main grid. Breaks have a start time and end time listed for each employee. Employee hours can be tracked through CCS Office and CCS Terminal. Payroll details are the individual records of an employee'​s work period. It can be listed by employee or by day. Breaks are listed for each selected work period below the main grid. Breaks have a start time and end time listed for each employee. Employee hours can be tracked through CCS Office and CCS Terminal.
-===== Important Tasks =====+===== Sub-Topics ​=====
 [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​View|View]]\\ ​ [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​View|View]]\\ ​
-[[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Edit Clock-In/​Clock-Out Time|Edit Clock-In/​Clock-Out Time]]\\ 
 [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Report|Report]]\\ ​ [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Report|Report]]\\ ​
 [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Print PDF|Print PDF]]\\ [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Print PDF|Print PDF]]\\
 [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Export|Export]]\\ [[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Export|Export]]\\
-[[:​office:​payroll:​payroll_period_details#​Add Rate for Employee|Add Rate for Employee]]\\ 
-===== Payroll Tracking in CCS Office ===== 
 ==== Payroll Period Tool Bar ==== ==== Payroll Period Tool Bar ====
Line 22: Line 18:
   * View Employee : Allows to view the work period details of employee by name\\   * View Employee : Allows to view the work period details of employee by name\\
-  * View Periods\\ +A snapshot of the view periods dialog box with the options in right click menu is shown in Fig 1: 
-{{office:​payroll:​payroll_viewperiod.jpg?​}}\\ + 
-  ​* ​View Dates\\+{{office:​payroll:​payroll_viewperiod.jpg?​}} 
 +//Fig 1 : View Periods// 
 +A snapshot to view work period details by date is shown in Fig 2: 
 {{office:​payroll:​payroll_viewdate.jpg}}\\ {{office:​payroll:​payroll_viewdate.jpg}}\\
-  * View Employee\\ ​ 
 +//Fig 2 : View by Dates//
-==== Edit Clock-In/​Clock-Out Time ==== +A snapshot to view work period details by date is shown in Fig 3: 
-To edit clock in/clock out time:+ 
-Go to CCS OfficeTouch >> Payroll Periods >> Select Pay Period >> ​View Period  +//Fig 3: View by Employee//
-Select the employee name from the right hand side of the screen +
-Edit time in the StartTime ​ and EndTime fields for the ClockIn/ClockOut time+
 ==== Report ==== ==== Report ====
Line 42: Line 41:
   * Report Employee : Provides a report of the time period details for a specific employee\\ ​   * Report Employee : Provides a report of the time period details for a specific employee\\ ​
-Time Clock Employee Report\\+A snapshot of the Time Clock Employee Report ​is shown in Fig 4: 
 {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_tclockrpt.jpg}} {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_tclockrpt.jpg}}
-==== Print PDF ====+//Fig 4 : Time Clock Employee Report// 
 +==== Print ====
-  * PDF : To print in PDF, you need have a PDF printer installed on your computer. If you do not have a PDF printer, you can install a free version of Cute PDF from [[http://​​|cutepdf]] 
-      *To print in PDF : 
-           * Open CCS Office-Touch >> Office Toolbar >> Choose PDF Printer from the  printer drop-down list in the office toolbar ​ 
-           * Save PDF file to desired location on your computer 
-           * To email the PDF file, open your email application (MS Outlook, Gmail) >> Compose New Message >> Attach File >> Send to Recipient 
   * Print All Employees : Provides a print out of time period details for all employees\\   * Print All Employees : Provides a print out of time period details for all employees\\
   * Print Employee : Provides a print out of the time period details for a specific employee\\   * Print Employee : Provides a print out of the time period details for a specific employee\\
-  * Select ​PDF Printer in Office-Touch\\ +PDF printout of  Work Period Details ​: {{:​office:​payroll:​timeclockreport.pdf}}\\
-{{:office:​payroll:​payroll_pdf.jpg}}\\ +
-  * Sample PDF Printout\\ +
 ====Export==== ====Export====
Line 71: Line 65:
   * CSV\\   * CSV\\
 {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_csv.jpg}}\\ {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_csv.jpg}}\\
 ==== Detail Level ==== ==== Detail Level ====
   * Employee Hourly Summary : Provides a hourly summary(total number of hours worked for the pay-period) for a  specific employee \\   * Employee Hourly Summary : Provides a hourly summary(total number of hours worked for the pay-period) for a  specific employee \\
   * Employee Hourly Detail : Provides a detailed summary (number of hours worked for each day in pay period) for a specific employee   * Employee Hourly Detail : Provides a detailed summary (number of hours worked for each day in pay period) for a specific employee
   * Employee Hourly Summary Report\\ ​   * Employee Hourly Summary Report\\ ​
 {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_hrlysumm.jpg}}\\ {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_hrlysumm.jpg}}\\
Line 81: Line 75:
 {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_hrlydetail.jpg}}\\ {{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_hrlydetail.jpg}}\\
-==== Add Rate for Employee ==== 
-Steps to add a specific rate to employee: +=== Filter ====
- +
-1) Open CCS Office-Touch >> Employees (Office Toolbar) >> Employee Information\\ +
-2) Select the primary position of the employee from the drop down menu\\ +
-3) Select Job Type for employee from the drop down menu\\ +
-4) Click on Add Job\\ +
-5) Highlight the job type and then add\edit the rate for the employee\\ +
- +
-Please see snapshot below in the Manage Employees section on how to add rate for the employee +
- +
-{{:​office:​payroll:​payroll_edit_rate.jpg}} +
- +
-==== Print PDF ==== +
- +
- +
-==== Filter ====+
 Allows to filter employees based on current status of employee \\ Allows to filter employees based on current status of employee \\
Line 124: Line 102:
 |Manager|Name of authorized manager who can edit time| |Manager|Name of authorized manager who can edit time|
-===== Payroll Tracking in CCS Terminal =====  
-Employers can track hours of employees through CCS Terminal. The Time Clock Console in the terminal helps employees to easily clock -in, clock out, take breaks during the work period. ​ 
-To Clock In/Clock Out in CCS Terminal: 
-  * Open CCS Terminal >> Time Clock >> Enter Code >> Clock In/Clock Out 
-  * All employees on clock are shown on the login screen in the CCS terminal(On the right hand side of the screen) 
-**Reference Illustrations** ​ 
-  * Time Clock Console\\ 
-  * POS Terminal Screen(Employees on Clock)\\ 


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|