CCS Point of Sale


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office:restaurant_menu:happyhour [2010/09/03 22:18]
office:restaurant_menu:happyhour [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 ====== Happy Hour ====== ====== Happy Hour ======
 +Happy hours are quite simple. ​
 +Here's a run down:\\
 +  - Determine your current pricing layout: Office - Menu Center - Menu Layout - Select a category of the drinks you want to setup. Select a drink. On the lower right, there is a 'Edit Price Category'​ button. Press that. From there you will see the prices.
 +  - You will note that from this section there are 3 additional prices, they are probably unused. They are options of the happy hour alternate prices you can use. To test out the feature, input a price that is different than your regular price. Then press save, then move on to the next step.
 +====== Assign Happy Hours / Time Based Pricing ======
 You can access Happy Hour Pricing from Office Toolbar >> Restaurant Menu >> Happy Hour Pricing You can access Happy Hour Pricing from Office Toolbar >> Restaurant Menu >> Happy Hour Pricing
 Happy Hour Pricing allows you to have different prices for items based on time and day of the week. Happy Hour Pricing allows you to have different prices for items based on time and day of the week.
-To set your Happy Hour Pricing , go to Menu Service (Office Toolbar) >> Pricing Categories. You can modify one of the extra unused columns such as Price 1, 2 or 3.  
 ===== Assign Happy Hour Price ===== ===== Assign Happy Hour Price =====


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