CCS Point of Sale


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trouble_shooting:customer_display [2016/05/24 23:46]
trouble_shooting:customer_display [2019/03/01 07:27] (current)
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-Customer Display - LCD Monitors:\\+====== ​Customer Display - LCD Monitors:​\\ ​====== 
 +This page covers two things. Setup and troubleshooting.  
 +===== First Time Setup - when you have just connected the display. ===== 
 +Setup - you must enable extended display of your monitor.  
 +Windows 7 
 +Windows 10 
 +After you have enabled this. Go to CCS from the desktop, then Office. From there, go to Settings - Peripherals (under hardware in the left blue panel) - LCD Customer Display.  
 +Enable the customer display by checking the 'Use LCD Display'​ checkbox.\\ 
 +When you open the Point of Sale Terminal, the customer display will now show on the new second attached monitor. 
 +===== Trouble Shooting - When you have been using it and something goes wrong. ===== 
 +You may follow the videos below or these written instructions. Written instructions will require you be aware of the differences in options in your computer, operating system and potential setup.  
 +  - Press Windows Start 
 +  - Type Display (or go to control panel - display) 
 +  - Open the Display 
 +  - Choose to Adjust Resolution 
 +  - You should see 2 monitors as options. Select the # 2 Monitor 
 +  - Set the monitor to have the desktop extended onto this monitor.  
 +  - You will then see that the displays are not copies of each other, but in fact, the second display is an extension of the first. 
 When you have a 'White Screen'​ it is in fact the customer display that is showing up. This means your customer display is not working. It is most likely been unplugged or loose. \\ When you have a 'White Screen'​ it is in fact the customer display that is showing up. This means your customer display is not working. It is most likely been unplugged or loose. \\
 You will need to ensure it's connected, then following these steps, make sure you have your desktop extended.\\ You will need to ensure it's connected, then following these steps, make sure you have your desktop extended.\\
 +You may follow the videos below or these written instructions. Written instructions will require you be aware of the differences in options in your computer, operating system and potential setup. ​
 +  - Press Windows Start
 +  - Type Display (or go to control panel - display)
 +  - Open the Display
 +  - Choose to Adjust Resolution
 +  - You should see 2 monitors as options. Select the # 2 Monitor
 +  - Set the monitor to have the desktop extended onto this monitor. ​
 +  - You will then see that the displays are not copies of each other, but in fact, the second display is an extension of the first.
 Windows XP Windows XP


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|