CCS Point of Sale


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trouble_shooting:scale_not_working [2016/05/14 04:24]
markph created
trouble_shooting:scale_not_working [2018/12/23 11:51] (current)
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-Coming Soon.+====== Scale not working ====== 
 +There are a few reasons that your scale could stop workingFirst we need to identify a few things so you can help troubleshoot the problem: 
 +  - Type of Sale - Avery, CAS PDII , CAS SW10 , Metler Toledo, AnD  
 +  - Type of Connection - Usually it's Serial to RJ45, but it may be Serial on the scale to another cable which converts to USB. 
 +===== DC or Er. ===== 
 +If you see in the POS where the weight is displayed:​\\ 
 +DC or Er.\\ 
 +This is usually a connection issue. If the cable is a serial to Rj45 then: 
 +  - Turn off the scale 
 +  - Exit the POS Software to the Desktop 
 +  - Confirm the Scale cables are securely plugged in, you may need to unplug and plug back in the cable. 
 +  - Log out of windows - Start Log Off  
 +  - Log back into Windows 
 +  - Turn on the scale. 
 +  - Start back up the POS 
 +Alternatively,​ you may just try to confirm the connection of the scale, and then turn off and on the scale. 
 +====== Scale Service Setup ====== 
 +If you need to setup the scale from the begining, go here: 
 +====== Scale Calibration - Avery ====== 


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