====== Loyalty Group Settings - Buy X number of Items, Get Store Credit ====== This document covers how to setup this Method. **To use, see use of the [[guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:buy10getstrorecredit:selectitemsingroup1:loyalty|loyalty program here.]]** In group option scenario your customer will receive store credit once they buy a specified number of items out of your loyalty program. ===== Group Setup ===== We will set this group up with specific names and items. Please apply these settings to learn. Then test out your own options afterwards. Setup the group: CCS Office (Main Menu) - Menu Service - Loyalty Groups Setup of Group: - Add a Row - Name the Row: '10 Cups 3 Dollar Credit' - Group Type 'Free Item' - Qty Set to 10 - Discount Set to 0 - Start Date set to Yesterday - Store credit will fall only to customers, therefore you can leave the 'Requires Contact' option unchecked. {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:buy10getstrorecredit:setup1.png|}} Other options from below would be: day restrictions, or if the items in this group are being calculated by their weight. ===== Item Setup ===== Setting up the items of the groups requires you have a "Store Credit" item. Therefore, close this window, go to Menu Center - Menu Layout; add the item 'Store Credit' anywhere in the menu, and give it a price of $3.00. Then remove it from the menu. We will use this item as the Store Credit item, the customer will receive $3.00 in store credit.\\ Open the Loyalty Groups window again. Select the '10 Cups 3 Dollar Credit' row, then press the 'View Group items' from the toolbar.\\ * In the Item Selection window: Select items from tree on the right. * From the list, check off the items that will be calculated to add to the group. * Remove items if you don't wish them to be there. The 'Remove Item' is in the bottom left of the window. {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:buy10getstrorecredit:selectitemsingroup1.png|}}