====== Point of Sale Setup for Pizzas and Pizza Toppings ====== CCS can handle even your most complicated pizza menu's. It supports multiple sizes, with appropriate prices. Topping prices automatically adjust for the size and type of the pizza. For example 14 inch pizza has 1 dollar toppings, and a 16 inch has 1.5 dollar toppings. Furthermore, topping prices automatically adjust if the topping is on the whole, half or quarter of the pizza. A 14 inch pizza would be .50 cents for the half, while the 16 inch pizza would be .75. Note: The half is not a percentage, it is a set charge. Each pizza will print with easy to read preparation instructions. Pricing categories make price management easier. Be sure to use price categories apprpriately when assigning prices to toppings. Steps to setting up an efficient Pizza Menu. The red instructions are the exact steps to follow, the black is a description of the operations. Note that all of these operations can be performed through the initial "System Setup", however you will need to review this section before entering pizza's and toppings. ===== Stage 1- Enter Categories ===== First make note of how many pizza's you have. This includes Specialty Pizzas (where the toppings are pre-set), and Regular Pizzas (where the customer chooses the toppings). Under The Categories and Sub Categories screen, create a "Pizzas" category. If you have over 12 Specialty Pizza's it is recommended you either place them in a Category, or a sub Category for them. For Specialty Pizza's create a Category (or subcategory) "Specialty Pizzas." Also include a topping sub category beneath the Regular Pizza category. If you have more then 24 toppings, you will need to create another sub category, name it Toppings 2 for easy understanding. Input a subcategory "Toppings 1" and another "Toppings 2," make sure you attach these subcategories to the "Pizza" category. If you have any other modifier types you would like to include, notes, and other extra charges, create a (pizza) Modifiers subcategory. You can keep this subcategory fairly general if you will use it for other menu items. Understand that each category can hold this Modifier subcategory, so as to to make the menu easier to manage. Create a "Modifiers" subcategory and attach it to the "Pizza" directory. ===== Stage 2 ===== ==== Stage 2A - Enter Pizza's ==== Continue the System Setup, or enter the Menu Layout. Enter the Pizza's into the menu layout. ==== Stage 2B ==== - How to enter pizza's in and things to consider when entering Pizza's: Most pizzas should have their own menu slot. If there aren't have many pizza's, use the individual menu slot's for each size, rather then the sizes available from price categories. Make sure the item is set as a Pizza from the menu layout screen. ==== Stage 3A ==== - Enter Toppings Enter Toppings in sub categories of the main pizza category. Use pricing categories for the toppings to speed up entry and manage pricing for future pricing changes. ===== Stage 4 ===== - Create Prompt Modifier Flows. - Office toolbar - Restaurant Menu - Prompted(Forced Modifiers) Add a new prompt modifier named Pizzas. Use the "Seed up the process button..." Assign the topping sub categories as the pages for the forced modifiers. ===== Stage 5 ===== - Attach forced modifiers to Pizza's From the toolbar, go to Restaurant Menu-Forced Modifiers-Attach to Product. Select the "Pizzas" from the forced modifier's flow. Scroll to the pizza category, and select each pizza in the list.