Table of Contents

Loyalty Point Program

Save Customer Loyalty Points Per Dollars Spent

This program is similar to credit card point programs. Your customer receives credit for each dollar spent at your location.Check this if you want points to be added for each dollar spent.



Redeeming Points

Customers can redeem points when you add a loyalty button in the toolbar of the POS terminal.

To place this button go to Office Menu » Control Panel » Menu Button Layout

Below is snapshot (Fig 2) of the Menu Button Layout Window showing the selected options to add a loyalty points button in the toolbar.

Please note - Use “Input Custom Loyalty Points” instead of just Loyalty points, you will have a better experience“

Fig 2: Menu Button Layout

POS Operations

When a customer has a certain amount of value on their record they will want to apply the credit to the order. Use the Loyalty Points button to reclaim those points. The cashier can enter the value they would like in the screen.

Applying Loyalty Points

Input the amount of cash to redeem.

View Points on Menu Screen | Customer Display

* New Feature:

The points for the customer are shown on the menu display and customer display. Screen shots are shown below.


The customer will see what amount of points they have on each purchase. They will see the value of their credit as well.