Emails may be sent from CCS. Using the list of contacts stored from normal everyday customer purchases this can be a powerful tool for marketing. Be sure to get email addresses when available!
Emails are only supported when using SQL Server as the system Database.
Using the emailing tool requires an email address is setup in CCS. To setup an email address do the following:
Account Name: Email address.
User Name: email account name. Email: Email address. Password: Password for email. Return Address: usually just the email address. POP Server: POP server supplied information by email server. SMTP Server: SMTP server supplied information by email server. Domain Name: Domain of email address.
Email Groups: Email groups are for mass emailing from the contact database. They are a powerful way to send out information to customers. There are many reasons to send out information to customers, such as the next days specials, events etc.
Filter Contacts: The groups offer a way to focus on individuals that meet certain criteria based on the email being sent. There are conditional statements that can be created to filter out information such as zip code, area codes customer total purchases or other data fields from the contact database.
Write Emails: Like most emails that are distributed CCS supports HTML formatting of the email to be sent. This requires a competent html editor to write such an email, or create a template that is easily edited by regular staff. HTMP Emails must be stored somewhere on the hard drive. The default location for the search field is the local my documents folder.
Sender Info: The sender is the contact that has the sending email account assigned to it.
Using Email Groups:
If the group is new.
- Filter out contacts if required. - Add the contacts desired.
CCS does not ship with emailing setup: Please contact tech support to help you set up your email accounts.