Event Editor

The event editor displays:

Type: Type of event, these are customizable types that can be anything from a phone call, email, to catering.
ContactIf a contact from the CRM is associated with this event press the find key to get a list of contacts to associate.
Company RepThis is the employee who is working on this event.
DueThis is the date and time the event is due.
StartThis is the date and time the event was started.
StatusCustomizable field of what kind of progress has been made on this event. For more complex event planning this will be something like, new customer needs info, or needs invoice, or payment required.
ProgressA percentage basis of the status completed.
NotesNotes for the event.
Order IDThe order placed for this event.
Labor Schedule IDPress the labor button to add a labor schedule for this event. The schedule can have a unique name and location that will make it identifiable in the labor history. The labor schedule can then be accessed by this event or the labor history form.
PrintPrints the event.
PreviewPreview the report of the event.
MailEmails the event.