Table of Contents

Editing the Menu Items and Layout

The Menu Layout is a grid of items. The items in the grid are independent of the grid itself, therefore items can be placed in multiple places in the grid. Keeping that in mind, changing the properties of an item will affect it no matter where it is placed on the menu grid.This is the main section of the menu designer. The menu layout provides access to most features of the menu.

The grid's design is based on the categories added to the menu. Selecting a category will display items within that category. Sub Categories show up on the grid with a “Sub-” prefix. This indicates that it is a sub category.

Note that on the list sub categories do not show up with sub. However it will show if you select the sub category.

Each grid item is edited by selecting it. The properties, i.e. product name, print location etc are displayed and editable. In this way a user can manage the menu as it appears on the terminal.

You can access the menu layout from CCS Office Touch » Menu Center » Menu Layout

Menu Setup Video :

The form opens with the first menu category shown.

View category
This option allows you to choose a category and look for items within the menu category.
Sort Menu Category
The category list is alphabetically arranged, however for the terminal layout it can be arranged. Use the sort menu categories to arrange the categories in the preferred order for the terminal.
Search for Item
Used in tandem with the Insert Item button, this allows existing items to be added to the grid.
Remove Item
Use this option to remove an item from the grid.
Back up Menu
Backs up the menu to the application folder: Program Files\Café Cartel\Backups
Restore Menu
Restores the menu, allows a menu to be selected from the history. If a very old menu is restored, it may require upgrades are run to ensure it's compatibility with the system.

Editing Menu Items:

To edit an item, select it from the menu grid, it's properties will display below.
Item Details

Canadian (Canada) Functions

Remove Tax on this Item when it reaches quantity: For pastries and baked goods. In the Terminal the item must be grouped together, and the quantity must meet or exceed this number. Tax Individually: For sodas

Treat items in this category as modifiers

This will provide a relaxed modifier list for the menu, instead of prompt modifiers, the server or cashier can select this category or subcategory, the items within the sub category will react as a modifier.

Adding New Menu Items

Refer:Add New Menu Item

New Product Name:

The name of the menu item.

1. Choose a Product Type: * Products: Are items that are not usually used as modifiers. They can be modifiers, but is more likely they are not. Products must be uniquely named. Product types are meaningful to how they interact with each other on the menu. * Modifiers: Are generally not independent of an product. If tied to a product from the terminal, they will be deleted if the main item is deleted. Also, modifiers will show up in a different font if set through System Setup. * Text Input: Text input would be used for non tracked modification of items, such as hot, cold, iced, lite etc. * Pizza: Is a product designation for pizzas, this item gets special properties that force the menu to prompt for pizza toppings and sizes. * Pizza Topping: This is a product modifier designation for pizza toppings that help pizza toppings use multiple prices and assign themselves to the right section of the pizza.

2. Select if the item is inventoried: 3. Set the Tax 4. Select or add the Price Category - See the next section, Pricing. Do not name the price category with the price of the item, such as a price category description named: 2.00 Items. This would not make sense if the price increased to 2.25. 5. Select the printer if the item should to be printed.


Pricing is handled a number of ways in the application. The following points will be discussed in detail.

1.Price Categories 2.Tiered Pricing: Contacts, Employees, Happy Hour, Pool Table Charges. 3.Combo Pricing 4.Multiple Sizes

Price Categories

Price categories are where the prices are pulled from in the POS terminal. No item actually has a price assigned to it. Instead, it has a price category.

Price categories are generally added when entering new items into the menu. When a new category is entered, this screen prompts the user to enter new prices, and new sizes.

Price Columns:

Retail: Standard price for customers Cost: Purchase price or cost of item Price1: Tier pricing for customers or happy hour Price2: Same as above. Price3: Same as above.


The system will allow new Units / Sizes to be entered, or the sizes can be retrieved from the drop down list. Sizes will appear as a choice to the user when using the POS.


For component recipes, this feature inventories this price line.

Product Type:

When this item is used as both a modifier, and a main item the price lines must be assigned to the item type it will be used on in the menu. For example, a shot of tequila may be a main item, or it may be a modifier at a bar, but it's price and size need to change accordingly. 1. Product is the standard product. 2. Default modifier is the modifier price that automatically is input. 3. Modifier is an optional modifier that would prompt like sizes.

Pizza Size:

Indicates what size the pizza is, or if a topping what the price is for the correct pizza size.