Purchasing and Inventory Tracking Log

Office Toolbar - Inventory - Inventory

The purchasing log lists all of the purchase orders for the CCS inventory system. This also includes RMA tracking. The lists are generated by finding any order with a Purchase Order Number assigned. In addition to the basic list that displays all purchase orders there are several other helpful lists, these can be generated by pressing the toolbar buttons.

Packing Slip LogAssociate your packing slips with the inventory orders. Have your receiving department check in all orders according to the packing slip to track your arrivals.
Purchase Order LogThis is the complete unfiltered list of your orders with PO # assigned.
PO'S On OrderThis is all orders not yet received.
RMA LogFor RMA tracking, these are the Orders that are assigned with a service type of RMA.
RMA LogItems on Order In. This is a list of Items purchased that have been received, but not sold.
Orders To Ship OutThis is a list of the orders to be shipped out, all items are in.

List features: Certain fields are editable, this fields are the PO #, Received Date, Shipped Date, Order Subject. Sort the list by clicking on one of the list headers. Right click on a list row to open the individual purchase order, or press Open Order from the toolbar. Inventory Purchasing The lower toolbar on the inventory form allows Purchasing and PO Tracking and RMA's to be reviewed. Purchase Order Log For more on the Purchase Orders: Transaction Management - Transactions in help. 170 Purchase orders will show up in the purchase order log, if they have a purchase order and have a type set of purchasing.