Table of Contents

Reporting & Analysis

CCS supports a variety of different reports for your business type. The various reporting sections in CCS are categorized based on organizational needs.

See :Types of Reports for detailed images of reports

Reporting Sections

Bookkeeping and Accounting

Reports that show monthly sales of the business are termed as Revenue Reports.They are commonly used for Bookkeeping and Inventory. The two most commonly used Monthly Sales Reports are discussed below.

Monthly Sales Reports

The path to access the above CCS Reports are as follows :

Below are snapshots of the Sales Range Monthly and Tendered Sales Reports :

Tax Report

(may differ from your report based on CCS Version and settings you have)

Fig 1: Sales Range Monthly

Tendered Sales

Fig 2: Tendered Sales

Gift Card Sales

There is no tax applied for the sale of a gift card. However, whenever a gift card is used as a mode of payment, it is included as a revenue for the business and hence will be added to the total sales.


The path to access the above CCS Reports are as follows :

Below are the pdf printouts of the above reports:

All Item Sales:allitemsales.pdf

Inventory Category Values:inventorycategoryvalues.pdf

Inventory Item Values: inventoryitemvalues.pdf