CCS Point of Sale

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====== Mix & Match ====== ===== Summary ===== Mix and match is when multiple items purchased together are priced at a different rate based on their combined total. Example: Patient buys one ⅛ at 45 dollars. If the patient buys two ⅛ ths’ the price per item is reduced to 40 dollars a piece. There are two methods of mix and match, one is for items weighted on a scale in front of a patient, and the other is items that are pre-packaged. Click here for [[guides:dispensary:mixnmatch:mixmatchprepackaged|Mix & Match For Pre-Packaged Items]]. ===== Weighted Mix & Match Items ===== The mix and match bases itself from the [[guides:dispensary:weightedtierpricing|tier price]] groups. When specific weights are reached, they will reach a price point that is equal to the higher quantity rate. The mix is based on having price points met only when two or more items of the same weight have been added to the order. ===== Price Grouping ===== The mix & match is all based on the grouping of certain weight points that will be mixed and matches. The Column **Group** indicates what items can be mixed and matched together. Price Rates shown below: {{:guides:dispensary:frame2priceingrelation.png|}} ===== Pricing Setup ===== - Menu Screen, no items on order. {{:guides:dispensary:start.png|}} Item added, Ak-47 at the rate of $21.00 {{:guides:dispensary:Frame2.png|}} Relation to Price Rate Shown in Pricing Table, See price Line one. {{:guides:dispensary:frame2priceingrelation.png|}} 2nd Item added, Ak-47 (can be any item from the menu with this pricing category) at the rate of $15.00 {{:guides:dispensary:Frame3.png|}} Rate shown in price table, relation is to 2 grams total purchased which is $15.00 per gram. {{:guides:dispensary:Frame3PricingRelation.png|}} 3rd Item added, Ak-47 (can be any item from the menu with this pricing category) at the rate of $13.33 {{:guides:dispensary:Frame4.png|}} Rate shown in price table. {{:guides:dispensary:Frame4PricingRelation.png|}} ==== Exceptions to how the grouping works. ==== Sometimes the results are different than expected. This simply requires a complete understanding of how the grouping and pricing work. When an item falls outside of the rate, it finds it's base price point. For example, if there were no price point 3.0 grams at 13.33 per gram, then the items would revert to the 21 gram price point. {{:guides:dispensary:exception2.png|}}


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