CCS Point of Sale

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====== Patient Check-In Process ====== ===== Summary ===== The patient check-in process in a dispensary has two parts; add a new patient/look-up an existing patient and create a new order for the patient. The first part adds a new patient/looks up for an existing patient.The second section of the document adds a new POS order button in the terminal for a particular patient that is initially created from CCS Office. ===== Guide Sub Headings ===== [[guides:dispensary:posorderdispensary#Add/Search for Patients|Add/Search for Patients]]\\ [[guides:dispensary:posorderdispensary#Add New Patients|Add New Patients]]\\ [[guides:dispensary:posorderdispensary#POS Order Settings|POS Order Settings]]\\ [[guides:dispensary:posorderdispensary#Steps to Add a New POS Order|Steps to Add a New POS Order]]\\ ===== Add/Search for Patients ===== To search for an existing patient go to CCS Office >> Office Touch >> Enter Pin Code. Search using driver's license: * Click in the 'Find Contact' box from the main toolbar\\ * Hit the backspace and remove the 'Find Contact,' swipe the driver's license\\ If the patient is found, the patient form will appear. Check the follow-up date\\ If the patient is not found, the search contact window will appear\\ ===== Add New Patients ===== You can add new patients using two methods; Using Driver's License and Manual Entry ==== Add by drivers license ==== From the CCS Toolbar >> CRM >> New Contact from DL\\ Swipe the DL. The name, address of the patient should appear in the window\\ Press the Add Button and the Patient window will show up\\ Adjust followup to match end of prescription\\ ==== Add by manual entry ==== From the CCS Toolbar >> CRM >> New Contact\\ Type in the new contact information and select File >> Save\\ Adjust followup to match end of prescription\\ ===== POS Order Settings ===== Settings that need to be checked before you add a new POS order. ==== Setting 1 ==== Before you add a new POS Order, you need to set the business type\\ To do this go to CCS Office-Touch >> Control Panel >> System\\ * Set Business to "Retail\\ * Set Order Type to "Recommendation"\\ ==== Setting 2: ==== Go to Office Menu >> Control Panel >> Restaurant\\ Place a check-mark : * Default show all users \\ * Set Refresh Pending Order Screen Every # of Seconds to 10\\ ==== Setting 3: ==== Go to Office Menu >> Employees >> Job Types\\ Set the following authorizations for the job types shown below:\\ - BudTender * Place a check-mark in Can See All Open Orders\\ * Uncheck Disallow Access to Other Tabs\\ - General Manager * Uncheck Disallow Access to Other Tabs\\ <note>Make sure you have 3.15.20Z version or later of CCS software for this new feature to function properly.</note> ==== Steps to Add a New POS Order ==== * Search for a customer contact from the contact field within the office toolbar * Click on New POS order in the Client dialog box. This adds a new POS order to the terminal * Enter code and login into your terminal * Click on Open orders from the top toolbar in the terminal screen * You will see a new POS order button created for the customer on the terminal screen


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|