CCS Point of Sale
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Add Multiple Sites to Site List
To connect to multiple sites or databases:
Each site must have a configuration file and SQL Server setup to allow internet connections via a VPN network. You will have to review your Router and DSL / Cable connection to verify the security of the network. This will also allow the system to connect to a contact database, Employee database or sales Database by selecting the info to connect to.
Each configuration file contains the information listed above(Employee,Sales,Contacts, and System Info). To create a new site config file.
- Navigate to the location of the CCS installation, usually c:\program files\cafe cartel\
- Copy the Config.ini file. This is the default configuration file for SQL Server connections.
- Rename the copied config file ConfigX.ini where X is the number of the site, or the next site. i.e. config1.ini, config2.ini. etc.
- Edit the configuration file Site Name by clicking it, and opening with notepad. Change the site name to the site to connect to.
- from Office: System - Connections - (Locate the site). Enter in the site information for logon, sever/dns/ip address, user name, password, database.
- Press the connect button.
Trace: • add_multiple_sites_to_site_list