CCS Point of Sale


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office:customer_relations_management:user_preferences [2011/04/04 03:44]
markphillips created
office:customer_relations_management:user_preferences [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 ====== Contact User Preferences ====== ====== Contact User Preferences ======
-Allows ​for custom data fields for contacts.\\+This feature allows ​for custom data fields for contacts. It helps you keep information for specific business types, this can include fields such as: allergies, caregiver contact information,​ when to contact. The options are unlimited. \\ 
 +===== How it works: ===== 
 +This feature is based on templates that are preferences for all contacts.\\ 
 +===== Feature Options: ===== 
 +  * To add new fields, press '​Preference Template'​ then 'Add Preference'​ 
 +  * To Initiate preferences for a user, or run an update on their current prefernces (to add any new fields) Press '​Update Preferences'​
 {{:​office:​customer_relations_management:​preferences.png|}} {{:​office:​customer_relations_management:​preferences.png|}}
 +===== Reporting on the Fields =====
 +You may want to request help from CCS Staff, this section involves SQL Coding which most users are not familiar with. To use this feature, you would need to access [[office:​reporting:​pivot_reporting|Pivot Reporting]]\\
 +If you wanted to pull a report that showed when a patient first signed up, you would use a statement like this:\\
 +SELECT clFirstName,​ClLastName,​FieldRepMemo as SignUpDate
 +FROM tblClients
 +INNER JOIN tblProductOrders
 +ON tblProductOrders.ClientID=tblClients.ClientID
 +AND EventSubject='​Primary Center Designation Date'
 +WHERE iSDATE(FieldRepMemo)<>​0 AND  Coalesce(ClLogon,​ ''​)<>''​
 +AND FollowUp>​=GetDate()
 +**The Parts of the statement are as follows:​**\\
 +**These are the fields to show. The first and last names of the patient. And the Date. FieldRepMemo is the field where the custom entries are always saved.**\\
 +SELECT clFirstName,​ClLastName,​FieldRepMemo as SignUpDate\\
 +**These are the the database table the information is stored in.**\\
 +FROM tblClients\\
 +INNER JOIN tblProductOrders\\
 +ON tblProductOrders.ClientID=tblClients.ClientID\\
 +**This is the criteria. In single quotes is the name of the custom field.**\\
 +AND EventSubject='​Primary Center Designation Date'
 +**This is more criteria. In this case it says there must be a logon, the custom must be a date, and the followup date is greater than or equal to today.**
 +WHERE iSDATE(FieldRepMemo)<>​0 AND  Coalesce(ClLogon,​ ''​)<>''​
 +AND FollowUp>​=GetDate()
 +The report would yeild something like:
 +|John | Smith | 01/20/2011|
 +|Mary | Jane  | 04/20/2011|
 +|Jim  | Chough| 09/10/2011|


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|