Frozen Yogurt Industry News - Divide and conquer with this revolutionary cup divider.

I don't know about you, but I am pretty excited about these frozen yogurt cup dividers. Think of  you favorite frozen yogurt combinations what ever they may be. Now let me ask you a question, do you have some top favorites that you wouldn't necessarily want to mix together? Do you sometimes find yourself standing in front of the self-serve yogurt machines unable to make up your mind? Have you ever considered just getting two cups for yourself so you can have the flavor combinations you want?

Well now you can have the best of both worlds with out having to tell the frozen yogurt cashier that one of the frozen yogurts is for a friend. Introducing the Frozen Yogurt Cup Divider. This simple and yet revolutionary addition solves all those issues. Think about it, if you are a frozen yogurt store owner, you are able to offer more and meet the needs of your clientele. Some shop owners have already noticed a difference in the speed of customers picking and choosing their flavors. And what is more, and possibly the best part for store owners, the dividers don't add any weight. That's right you heard correctly, no added weight which means no price changing or scale calibrating. Just place the dividers by the cups and promote to all your local, social media and current customer communities and watch your business grow.