Hot ideas to diversify your frozen yogurt shop this winter

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Frozen yogurt shops are a thriving business, especially during the warmer seasons. Business booms in the summer time as everyone wants to find a way to beat the heat, satisfy their sweet tooth, and stay in shape for the bathing suit season. But when it comes to winter, you may notice your business slowing down as people are looking for treats that can warm them up. Here are some fun ideas that other shops have tried out that have been successful in keeping their frozen yogurt shop relevant during the cold seasons.

Adding a “Hot Twist” to your Current Product:

frozen yogurt shop, frozen yogurt flavors, frozen yogurt promotions, donate, flavors, pos, point of sale, best, inventory, scale, used scale, sale, boost, increase

“Last December, the chain started its Froth beverage bar, which makes flavored hot chocolate by melting the chocolate toppings available as options for frozen-yogurt customers. Popular varieties include the P.B. Confidential, made from melted Reese’s peanut butter cups and steamed milk, or the Cliffhanger, made from melted Andes chocolate mints.”
Mark Brandau

Bring the Heat:

You can generate more foot traffic and increase sales by adding hot drinks to the menu. Check out how Forever Yogurt did this with some unique yummy ideas.

“This year Forever Yogurt extended its Froth line by offering espresso, which could turn any of the flavored hot chocolates into a latte. Other flavor offerings include Hershey’s milk chocolate and dark chocolate, Nutella, and Nestle Abuelita.”
Mark Brandau

This has been a very successful addition and ultimately increases frozen yogurt sales. Heck, I’ve even seen some shops sell sushi and miso soup in their frozen yogurt shop! Talk about an interesting menu.

Get Traditional:

Tis the season during these winter months. The season for pumpkin pie and peppermint candy canes. It’s great to get into the spirit as people are looking to find fun ways to celebrate with their families. That’s why having some traditional Christmas flavors and toppings can be of great benefit to your frozen yogurt store. The other day I had strawberry frozen yogurt with
cheesecake chunks and it was amazing. It got me thinking how yummy would vanilla bean frozen yogurt and pumpkin pie chunks be. Or peppermint and brownie chunks. Use your imagination, the sky's the limit!

Give a little bit:

frozen yogurt shop, frozen yogurt flavors, frozen yogurt promotions, donate, flavors, pos, point of sale, best, inventory, scale, used scale, sale, boost, increase

Everyone is in the giving mood and love having creative ways to do so. Check out how Orange Leaf helps their customers "kill two birds with one stone" by giving back and getting a treat.

“In addition to those offerings, Orange Leaf is running a philanthropic promotion that rewards customers with three free ounces of yogurt for every new pair of pajamas they bring in to donate to families in need. A pajama drive stands out from other promotions because it is not a common clothing item like coats that businesses ask for, but nonetheless would be appreciated by needy families, Travis said. He added that the cause-marketing angle is very important to each Orange Leaf store’s goal of becoming entwined in the local community.”
Mark Brandau

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