CCS Point of Sale


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guides:general:minimizepaymentbuttons [2011/01/17 04:35]
guides:general:minimizepaymentbuttons [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 This section groups multiple functions in the system to make payment options easier. This guide reviews credit payments, split payments, gift card payments and gift card mercury payments. This section groups multiple functions in the system to make payment options easier. This guide reviews credit payments, split payments, gift card payments and gift card mercury payments.
-===== Guide Sub Headings ​===== +Prerequisites:​ 
 +Version: 3.15.39F+ 
 +===== Payment Section Links ===== 
 [[guides:​general:​minimizepaymentbuttons#​Regroup Tender Types|Regroup Tender Types]]\\ [[guides:​general:​minimizepaymentbuttons#​Regroup Tender Types|Regroup Tender Types]]\\
Line 10: Line 13:
 [[guides:​general:​minimizepaymentbuttons#​Gift Card Payments|Gift Card Payments]]\\ [[guides:​general:​minimizepaymentbuttons#​Gift Card Payments|Gift Card Payments]]\\
 [[guides:​general:​minimizepaymentbuttons#​Split Payments|Split Payments]]\\ [[guides:​general:​minimizepaymentbuttons#​Split Payments|Split Payments]]\\
 +Also See:
 +[[guides:​general:​splitpayments|More Options for Split Payments]]\\
 ===== Regroup Tender Types ===== ===== Regroup Tender Types =====
Line 55: Line 61:
 === Gift Card Payments Internally Through CCS === === Gift Card Payments Internally Through CCS ===
-Gift cards can also be stored in CCS's local database. If you use this method, you would select the appropriate payment button, in this example it's labeled 'Card Promo.'​ \\+Gift cards can also be stored in CCS's local database. If you use this method, you would select the appropriate payment button, in this example it's labeled '​Promo ​Card.' \\
 {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​gcpromo1.png|}} {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​gcpromo1.png|}}
Line 78: Line 84:
 {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce3.png|}} {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce3.png|}}
 +The cashier then is prompted to apply a certain amount of payment. In this case $1.00 is applied.\\
 {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce4.png|}} {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce4.png|}}
 +Once the cashier presses enter, the payment screen is opened, the amount that is to be paid is shown, and the payment options are displayed.\\
 {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce5.png|}} {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce5.png|}}
 +The Gift Card Method was applied, and $1.00 was used to pay part of the order.\\
 {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce6.png|}} {{:​guides:​general:​simplifypayments:​buttonreduce6.png|}}


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|