CCS Point of Sale


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office:payroll:payroll_periods [2010/08/10 21:17]
maryrajah old revision restored
office:payroll:payroll_periods [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 This screen allows periods to be added, deleted and changed. This screen allows periods to be added, deleted and changed.
-This screen ​allows periods to be added, deleted and changed.+The Payroll Periods ​allows periods to be added, deleted and changed. ​A snapshot of the payroll periods screen is shown in Fig 1:
 {{:​office:​payroll:​payrollperiods.jpg|}} {{:​office:​payroll:​payrollperiods.jpg|}}
-===== Features: ​=====+//Fig 1: Payroll : Payroll Periods// 
 +===== Payroll Periods Settings=====
   * View Period - Adds a new period at the bottom of the list   * View Period - Adds a new period at the bottom of the list
   * Delete Period - Deletes selected period   * Delete Period - Deletes selected period
-  * Show Employees on Off Clock - Review ​time clock+  * Show Employees on Off Clock - Reviews ​time clock
   * Over Time Starts at - This calculates the overtime per day, not per period   * Over Time Starts at - This calculates the overtime per day, not per period
-The grid allows the user to select from a calender to choose the date.  
-Right clicking on the grid also allows the user to view the period details. ​ 
 +The grid allows the user to set/select a date from the calendar. You can open or delete a pay period from the right click menu that appears when you select a particular date range. Fig 2 shows a snapshot of the right click menu options in the payroll period grid.
 +//Fig 2: Payroll Periods Right Click Menu//


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