CCS Point of Sale


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office:reporting:daily_report_recall [2011/01/17 09:17]
office:reporting:daily_report_recall [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 ===== Sections ===== ===== Sections =====
-[[office:reporting:daily_report_recall#​Daily Reporting|Daily Reporting]]\\+[[guides:general:close_day|Daily Reporting]]\\
-[[office:​reporting:​daily_report_recall#​DReporting ​and Analysis - Recall Reports|DReporting ​and Analysis - Recall Reports]]\\+[[office:​reporting:​daily_report_recall#​Reporting ​and Analysis - Recall Reports|Reporting ​and Analysis - Recall Reports]]\\
 +====== Reporting and Analysis - Recall Reports ​ ======
-===== Daily Reporting ===== 
-Options to Pull Day Report: 
-  * Close Day 
-  * Thermal Report 
-==== The first section includes: ==== 
-  * Tender Type: The type of payment method used. 
-  * Employee: The employee that made the sale 
-  * Service: The type of sale - dine in, take out, etc. 
-  * Register: The computer the sale was made on. 
-  * Sales Tax: The amount of tax collected, and number of items. 
-  * Non Taxable Sales: The number of non taxed items sold. 
-{{:​office:​reporting:​1.png|}} ​ 
-=== Second Section ​ === 
-This section totals up the value of sections of transactions:​ 
-  * Adjusted Price Differences - The changes of item prices that have occurred. 
-  * Discounts - Discounts by order that have been applied. 
-  * Coupons - Coupons that have been applied to orders. 
-  * Gift Card Certificates Purchased. 
-  * Sales Tax Collected 
-  * Sales - Sales including taxes and discounts. 
-  * Gross Sales - Sales Including Taxes 
-  * Net Sales - Sales - Tax 
-  * Net Sales - Gift Card Sales - (True Net Sales) 
-{{:​office:​reporting:​2.png|}} ​ 
-=== Third Section: === 
-  * Item Type Sales 
-  * Adjusted Prices, ​ 
-  * Coupons 
-  * Voids 
-  * Items from Daily Tracking 
-  * All Item Sales 
-  * Category Sales 
-{{:​office:​reporting:​3.png|}} ​ 
-=== Reporting and Analysis - Recall Reports === 
 Often daily reports need to be recalled. These are the end of day reports that are run by cashiers and servers. The daily totals can be retrieved by selecting a day from the Z History. Note, these are not actually days per se, they are the period of time between opening and closing the day. This is why the reports can exceed 1 AM in the morning. Often daily reports need to be recalled. These are the end of day reports that are run by cashiers and servers. The daily totals can be retrieved by selecting a day from the Z History. Note, these are not actually days per se, they are the period of time between opening and closing the day. This is why the reports can exceed 1 AM in the morning.


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