CCS Point of Sale


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office:restaurant_menu:introduction:coupons [2011/01/22 07:13]
office:restaurant_menu:introduction:coupons [2018/12/23 12:17] (current)
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 {{:​office:​restaurant_menu:​introduction:​couponscreen.png|}} {{:​office:​restaurant_menu:​introduction:​couponscreen.png|}}
-You can access ​the coupon section by going to Office ToolBar >> ​ Restaurant Menu >> Coupon Editor.+Access ​the coupon section by going to Office ToolBar >> ​ Restaurant Menu >> Coupon Editor.
-Coupons require the following setup: +===== Coupons require the following setup: ​===== 
-Date Range for the duration of the coupon campaign.  + 
-Title for identification by reports & employees at the terminals.  +  - Date Range for the duration of the coupon campaign.  
-Select from either cash discounting per order, percentage discount or use product loyalty groups for 2 for one type discounting.+  ​- ​Title for identification by reports & employees at the terminals.  
 +  ​- ​Select from either cash discounting per order, percentage discount or use product loyalty groups for 2 for one type discounting.
 If  the same coupon is used between different advertisers,​ attach advertisers to the coupon once they have been added it to the list. Advertisers must be added before using this feature. ​ Refer to CRM If  the same coupon is used between different advertisers,​ attach advertisers to the coupon once they have been added it to the list. Advertisers must be added before using this feature. ​ Refer to CRM
-To setup a “2 for 1 type” Discount or Coupon (you can also do or “1 off when you purchase 3” etc..): +===== To setup a “2 for 1 type” Discount or Coupon (you can also do or “1 off when you purchase 3” etc..): ​=====
- +
-Create a Loyalty Group Toolbar: Restaurant Menu >> Loyalty Groups) +
- +
-Follow the Steps in the Product Loyalty Form.  +
-Press the “Create Group” button, then double click on the line item that appears, this will take you to the group’s items. +
- +
-Then you can simply use the navigation tree to select items for the loyalty group.  +
- +
-Close out the Product Loyalty Group form. +
- +
-Go to the Coupon Editor. ​+
-Add a new coupon ​with the Product Loyalty Group that you just created.+  - Add a Loyalty Group Toolbar: Restaurant Menu >> Loyalty Groups) 
 +  - Follow the Steps in the Product Loyalty Form.  
 +  - Press the “Create Group” button, then double click on the line item that appears, this will take you to the group’s items. 
 +  - Add items to the loyalty group that would apply in the 2 for 1 group. 
 +  - Close the Loyalty Group Editor 
 +  - Go to the Coupon Editor.  
 +  - Add a new coupon, assign ​the Product Loyalty Group that you just added.


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|