CCS Point of Sale


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office:restaurant_menu:introduction:multiple_sizes [2009/03/05 00:40]
office:restaurant_menu:introduction:multiple_sizes [2018/12/23 12:17] (current)
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 ==== Combo Meal Items: ==== ==== Combo Meal Items: ====
 For items that have a default modifier price, check the Combo Pricing in the menu layout for the selected item. For items that have a default modifier price, check the Combo Pricing in the menu layout for the selected item.
 For the prices, assign a first price of the item when it is sold by itself. ​ In the edit pricing option select the first  line as a "​Product"​ For the second price, or even third price, ​ select "​Default Modifier",​ and "​Modifier."​ When using the Forced Modifiers, the default modifier will automatically come up as the price for the additional cost.  For the prices, assign a first price of the item when it is sold by itself. ​ In the edit pricing option select the first  line as a "​Product"​ For the second price, or even third price, ​ select "​Default Modifier",​ and "​Modifier."​ When using the Forced Modifiers, the default modifier will automatically come up as the price for the additional cost. 
-Sizes for Inventory: ​ Input a main unit, then input the unit of measure that will be used in the store. For example, input a Case of Beer with a multiplier of 24. +==== Sizes for Inventory: ​==== 
 +Input a main unit, then input the unit of measure that will be used in the store. For example, input a Case of Beer with a multiplier of 24. 


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