CCS Point of Sale


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office:system_setup:order_list [2010/07/08 16:35] external edit
office:system_setup:order_list [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 ====== Order List ====== ====== Order List ======
-The Order List allows you to setup the columns of the on screen ​order'​s ​for the Retail ​and Food Service Menu.+The Order List allows you to setup the columns of the on screen ​orders ​for the retail ​and food service menuA snapshot of the order list dialog box is shown below:
-Example items are displayed in the lists so you can decide on the format you prefer.+{{:​office:​system_setup:​cpanel_orderlist.jpg|}}
-  ​Under font settings, the Italic ​and Bold options are not saved as a Order List Feature.+//Fig 1: Control Panel:Order List// 
 +|^     Order List Options ​    ​^^^| 
 +|Item Font|Provides item font settings|  
 +|Modifier Font|Provides modifier font settings| 
 +|QTY width|Allows to set the width of the quantity column| 
 +|Product Width|Allows to set the width of the product column| 
 +|Size Width|Allows to set the width of the size column| 
 +|Price Width|Allows to set the width of the price column| 
 +|Seat # Width|Allows to set the width of the seat number column| 
 +|Get Current List Widths|Obtains the current list width from the menu screen| 
 +|Unit Size Width| Allows to set the width of the unit size column| 
 +|Unit Price Width|Allows to set the width of the unit price width| 
 +|Product Width|Allows to set the width of the product name column| 
 +|Tax Width|Allows to set the tax width of the column| 
 +|Total Price|Allows to set the total price of the column| 
 +|STD Price|Allows to set the width of the STD price column| 
 +**Note:** Example items are displayed in the lists so you can decide on the format you prefer. ​Under font settings, the italic ​and bold options are not saved as a order list feature.


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