CCS Point of Sale
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====== Working with Multiple Types of Discounts ====== There are many types of discounts used in CCS. This section outlines some of the discounts that current users utilize. You may find that discounts can be devised by a combination of methods, that are not listed in these guides. We welcome your input to help discover how you can use CCS to provide discount programs to your customers. ^ Getting Started ^^^ |**Guide Name**|**Description**| |[[guides:general:discounts:adddiscountfunction|Add the Discount Button ]]|Shows how to setup the main discount button| |[[guides:general:discounts:itemdiscount|Item Percentage Discount ]]|Discount an item a specific percentage off| |[[guides:general:discounts:discountentireorder|Discount Entire Order]]|Apply a percentage discount to an entire order.| [[:guides:general:discounts#Add Specific Discount|Item and Order Discounts From Menu Functions]]\\ [[:guides:general:discounts#Add Default Percent/Cash Discount|Default Percent/Cash Discount based on customer.]]\\ [[:guides:general:discounts#Up To Discounts - For Weighted Items| Up To Discounts - For Weighted Items]]\\ [[:guides:general:discounts#Groupons|Using Groupons with CCS]]\\ = //Fig 6 : Discount Order Specified Function in Menu Button Layout// ===== Add Default Percent/Cash Discount ===== You could add either a cash/percent discount to a client that will automatically apply to the purchases made by the client at your store. You would need to first assign the default discount in the client profile window and then the discount will apply to all future transactions made by the client. Steps to apply default cash/percent discount: - Open CCS Office-Touch >> Enter Client Name in "Find Contact" and press Enter - Double click the client name which will open the Client Profile window - In the Discounting Section, Set Discount Orders to your default discount in decimal such as 5.00% for a Percent Discount - In the Discounting Section, Set Default Discount to a whole number such as 5 for a Cash Discount - Click on Save and Close - Open CCS Terminal >> Enter PIN - Click on Find Customer from the toolbar - Search for customer using text search and press enter - Select Customer - Add items to purchase to transaction - You could see default discounts added automatically to the order in the menu screen A snapshot of the default percent discount of 5% added to a customer is shown in Fig 7 {{popup>guides:general:guide_defaultpercentdiscountjpg.jpg|{{guides:general:guide_defaultpercentdiscountjpg.jpg?650x450|Default Percent Discount}}}} //Fig 7 : Default Percent Discount// ===== Up To Discounts - For Weighted Items ===== For weighted items, you may make a “UP To” Discount feature that allows you to discount a certain amount of the weight off. So for example, if your discount is for up to 8 oz free, you can set up and item that doesn't charge for the first 8 ounces. To use, place the value you are subtracting in the “Price +/-” field in the menu layout. Input it as a negative value. Process the item in the CCS POS Terminal and you will note that it deducts the negative amount that you entered in the "Price +/-" field. ===== Groupons ===== Groupons are commonly used, but to use them with CCS you will have to have a clear picture of what you are going to be offering with them. ==== Senarios: ==== Groupon Spend up to 10 dollars on anything at one visit:
Trace: • discounts