CCS Point of Sale
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====== Working with Multiple Types of Discounts ====== There are many types of discounts used in CCS. This section outlines some of the discounts that current users utilize. You may find that discounts can be devised by a combination of methods, that are not listed in these guides. We welcome your input to help discover how you can use CCS to provide discount programs to your customers. ^ Getting Started ^^^ |**Guide Name**|**Description**| |[[guides:general:discounts:adddiscountfunction|Add the Discount Button ]]|Shows how to setup the main discount button| |[[guides:general:discounts:itemdiscount|Item Percentage Discount ]]|Discount an item a specific percentage off| |[[guides:general:discounts:discountentireorder|Discount Entire Order]]|Apply a percentage discount to an entire order.| |[[guides:general:discounts:customerbaseddiscount|Customer Based Discounts]]|Club style purchasing or whole sale discounts, assigned discounts to customer.| |[[guides:general:discounts:uptodiscounts|'Up To' Discounts ]]| For Weighted Items, discounts that give up to a certain weight free.| [[:guides:general:discounts|Up To Discounts - For Weighted Items]]| Up To Discounts - For Weighted Items]]\\ [[:guides:general:discounts#Groupons|Using Groupons with CCS]]\\ ===== Groupons ===== Groupons are commonly used, but to use them with CCS you will have to have a clear picture of what you are going to be offering with them. ==== Senarios: ==== Groupon Spend up to 10 dollars on anything at one visit:
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