CCS Point of Sale
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====== Data Collector | Using the Opticon OPL9723 and Opticon OPL972800 ====== This document outlines the following processes for \\ * Receiving Purchase Orders * Reconciling Inventory ===== Receiving Purchase Orders ===== 1. Scan the order in using the Opticon\\ 2. Save the File to your desktop, or where you can easily find it.\\ 3. Place headers in the file, this means:\\ * Open the file\\ * Put your cursor in front of the first item in the list.\\ * Press enter\\ * In the top blank section, type what is in the quotes: 'Barcode,Quantity,Time'\\ 4. Save the file\\ 5. In Office make a new Invoice - (Main Toolbar) - Inventory - New Invoice\\ 6. You can then Import the order - Invoice Toolbar - File - Import From Data Collector\\ 7. The order will be received. Then for any new item, you will have to edit them.\\ ==== Editing Items ==== - Click on the Item that only has a barcode and price. Press 'Open Item Info' from the toolbar above the list. - Edit the item, press save. - From the Invoice, on the toolbar above the list, press 'Get Item Names' 8. You can then receive the order and it will update your inventory.\\ ===== Reconciling Inventory =====
Trace: • inventorycollector