CCS Point of Sale
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====== Data Collector | Using the Opticon OPL9723 and Opticon OPL972800 ====== This document outlines the following processes for \\ * Receiving Purchase Orders * Reconciling Inventory ===== Receiving Purchase Orders ===== 1. Scan the items physically in order in using the Opticon\\ 2. Save the File to your desktop, or where you can easily find it.\\ 3. Place headers in the file, this means:\\ * Open the file\\ * Put your cursor in front of the first item in the list.\\ * Press enter\\ * In the top blank section, type what is in the quotes: 'Barcode,Quantity,Time'\\ 4. Save the file\\ 5. In Office make a new Invoice - (Main Toolbar) - Inventory - New Invoice\\ 6. You can then Import the order - Invoice Toolbar - File - Import From Data Collector\\ 7. The order will be received. Then for any new item, you will have to edit them.\\ ==== Editing Items ==== - Click on the Item that only has a barcode and price. Press 'Open Item Info' from the toolbar above the list. - Edit the item, press save. - From the Invoice, on the toolbar above the list, press 'Get Item Names' 8. You can then receive the order and it will update your inventory.\\ ===== Reconciling Inventory =====
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