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====== Quick Books Integration | IIF File ====== CCS Offers a basic integration package for Quickbooks for free. It allows you to export a IIF File. IIF Files can the be imported into your Quickbooks system. CCS will prepare a file with the following information: * Sales * Cost of Goods * Inventory * Sales Tax * Payments - Cash, Credit, Other You will need to input your Account #'s for each type. ===== Operations ===== From Office - Main Toolbar - QuickBooks Export. Open the Window, input the date range, and press "Refresh Trans." Then press "Export." A Quickbooks file will appear on your desktop, use this to import into Quickbooks. <note>Make sure you run a test on a test database prior to using this on a regular basis.</note> Step 1\\ Open the Quickbooks export window.\\ {{:guides:general:qbopen.png|}} Step 2\\ Input the date range to export. Press "Refresh Trans" \\ {{:guides:general:qbrefreshtrans.png|}} Step3\\ Once the data is refreshed, you can export the file. It will automatically export to your desktop as "QBIIF.iif"\\ {{:guides:general:qbexport.png|}} Step 4\\ If you were to open the QBIIF File in notepad, this is what it would look like.\\ {{:guides:general:qbfile.png|}} Step 6\\ To import Quickbooks, follow the steps below:\\ - Open Quickbooks - Navigate to File > Utilities > Import > IIF Files - The Import window will appear. Select the IIF file that you saved. - Click Open. - Click OK when the message "Your data has been imported
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