CCS Point of Sale
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====== Receipts in CCS ====== ===== Summary ===== Receipts is a form of acknowledgment from the seller to the buyer that money has been received for the sale of goods. Saving receipts from all transactions will help you track purchases and will prove very useful when you run your financial reports at the end of the month.This article will show you on how to add logos,footers, change font and configure receipt printing through CCS. ===== Guide Sub Headings ===== [[guides:general:receipts#Add Logo to Receipt|Add Logo to Receipt]]\\ [[guides:general:receipts#Add Footer to Receipt|Add Footer to Receipt]]\\ [[guides:general:receipts#Change Font in Receipt|Change Font in Receipt]]\\ [[guides:general:receipts#Configure Receipt Printing in CCS|Configure Receipt Printing in CCS]]\\ ===== Add Logo to Receipt ===== Please see [[guides:general:setup_of_logos_and_images#Add Logo to Receipt|Add Logo to Receipt]]\\ ===== Add Footer to Receipt ===== You can add footers in three different sections in CCS. Option 1) CCS Office-Touch >> Control Panel >> Company >> Basic Footer >> Enter basic footer for your receipt\\ Option 2) CCS Office-Touch >> Control Panel >> Receipts >> Footer for (Invoice)\\ Option 3) CCS Office-Touch >>Control Panel >> Order Types >> Select Order Type >> Enter footer text in the section listed as Footer text for quotes_receipts\\ <note important> Any footer text in Option 3 will override Options 1 and 2. If there is no footer text in Option 3, then Option 2 will override Option 1. </note> ===== Change Font in Receipt ===== To change font size in receipts, please follow the steps given below: - Open CCS Office-Touch >> Enter PIN - Click on Control Panel >> Printer Setup - Make sure the receipt printer is set to receipt and click on Advanced - Change font size for the different sections of the receipt such as detail, header, location and service type font * Detail : It would include the price details of items in the receipt * Header : It would include the header and the footer including the name of the server who is processing the transaction * Location : YTBD * Service Type : It would include the order number and the order type such as Dine-In and Take Out - Once the font size is set, click on save and close dialog box. A sample receipt with all sections clearly shown is given in Fig 1 below: //Fig 1 : Parts of the Receipt// ===== Receipt Options ===== For more information, please see [[office:system_setup:receipts|Receipt Options]] =====Configure Receipt Printing in CCS ===== CCS receipt options provide various settings that you can enable or disable based on your requirements. One of the first most commonly used option is to have receipts to print always, prompt or don't print. This option could be set by going to CCS Office-Touch >> Control Panel >> Receipt >> Set Print Options to either Always Print, Prompt or Don't Print.
Trace: • receipts