CCS Point of Sale


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guides:general:discounts [2011/01/22 05:45]
guides:general:discounts [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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-====== ​Working with Multiple ​Types of Discounts ​ ====== ​+====== ​CCS Types of Discounts ​ ====== ​
-There are many types of discounts used in CCS. This section outlines some of the discounts that current users utilize. You may find that discounts can be devised by a combination of methods, that are not listed in these guides. We welcome your input to help discover how you can use CCS to provide discount programs to your customers.+There are many types of discounts used in CCS. This section outlines some of the discounts that current users utilize. You may find that discounts can be devised by a combination of methods, that are not listed in these guides. We welcome your input and suggestions in this area!
 ^     ​Getting Started ​     ^^^ ^     ​Getting Started ​     ^^^
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 |[[guides:​general:​discounts:​discountentireorder|Discount Entire Order]]|Apply a percentage discount to an entire order.| ​ |[[guides:​general:​discounts:​discountentireorder|Discount Entire Order]]|Apply a percentage discount to an entire order.| ​
 |[[guides:​general:​discounts:​customerbaseddiscount|Customer Based Discounts]]|Club style purchasing or whole sale discounts, assigned discounts to customer.| ​ |[[guides:​general:​discounts:​customerbaseddiscount|Customer Based Discounts]]|Club style purchasing or whole sale discounts, assigned discounts to customer.| ​
- +|[[guides:​general:​discounts:​uptodiscounts|'Up To' ​Discounts ​]]| For Weighted Items, discounts that give up to a certain weight free.| ​ 
- +|[[:​guides:​general:​discounts:groupons|Groupons]]|Using Groupons with CCS
-[[:guides:​general:​discounts#Up To Discounts - For Weighted Items| Up To Discounts ​For Weighted Items]]\\  +|[[guides:​frozenyogurt:​buy2get1free|Buy 1 Get 1 Free]]| Frozen Yogurt Buy One Get One Free Setup| 
-[[:​guides:​general:​discounts#Groupons|Using Groupons with CCS]]\\  +|[[faq:#​How ​can we donate gift cards and not have it look like we accepted cash for them?|Gift Card Donations]]| Donating gift cardsor giving cards with value away for free.| 
- +|[[office:​restaurant_menu:​introduction:​coupons|Coupons]]| Setup cash based, percentage based and 2 for 1 style coupons| 
- +|[[guides:​general:​fundraisers|Fundraisers]]|Working with fundraisers| 
- +|[[office:​general:​discounts:​freeitem|Free Items]]|Give away free itemskeep track of inventory| 
- +|[[office:general:discounts:​groupons|Groupons]]|Keep track of your Groupon campaigns|
- +
- +
- +
-===== Up To Discounts - For Weighted Items ===== +
- +
-For weighted items, you may make a “UP To” Discount feature that allows you to discount a certain amount of the weight off. So for example, if your discount is for up to 8 oz free, you can set up and item that doesn'​t charge ​for the first 8 ounces. To useplace the value you are subtracting in the “Price +/-” field in the menu layoutInput it as a negative value. +
- +
-Process the item in the CCS POS Terminal ​and you will note that it deducts the negative amount that you entered in the "Price +/-" field. +
- +
-===== Groupons ===== +
-Groupons are commonly usedbut to use them with CCS you will have to have a clear picture ​of what you are going to be offering with them.  +
- +
-==== Senarios==== +
- +
-Groupon Spend up to 10 dollars on anything at one visit:+


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|