CCS Point of Sale
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====== Order Types ====== The order types menu in the control panel allows users to set POS workflows, default product types, system layout options and footer text for receipts and quotes for each transaction. Below is a matrix of the options and their corresponding brief descriptions found in the order types window: |**Options**|**Descriptions**| |Add a new transaction|Click on the add button to add a new transaction| |Delete a new transaction|Click on the delete a button to delete a new transaction| |Save a transaction|Click on the save button to save the transaction| |Print a transaction|Click on the print button to print a transaction| |Transaction basics|Allows to set basic transaction settings such as transaction value, register transaction, make it a taxable tranasaction etc| |POS order flow|Allows to choose the POS order flow| |Default product types|Allows to choose the default product types.You can set 2 default product types| |Description|Allows to add a description for a particular transaction| |Footer text for receipts and quotes|Allows to add footer text in receipts and quotes| |System layout|Allows to set colors for POS buttons and lists for a particular transaction| Below is a snapshot(Fig 1)of the order types screen from the control panel: {{:office:system_setup:cpanel_ordertypes.jpg|}} //Fig 1:// Order types in Control panel
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