CCS Point of Sale
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Tax Setup
To correctly apply the taxes to the variety of customers , you must understand the four sections of tax setup:
- Tax Rates
- Transaction Types
- Item Setup
- Customer Option
To access the office toolbar, go to Office Toolbar » System » Taxes
Tax Rate
To access tax rate , go to Office Toolbar » System » Taxes
Tax rates are applied to items specifically. There can be multiple tax rates in the system. Usually there are two tax rates: standard rate and zero. When zero is applied to an item, the item will not be taxed.
CCS also supports canadian GST & PST, and Singapore's GST tax. This means the tax is compounded on the PST tax. Finally, CCS will support taxing of baked goods & drinks appropriately where required in regions of Canada.
Transactional Type Based Taxing
Office » System » Transaction Types Different transaction types require or do not require tax. For each transaction type you will need to set the tax option in the transaction type window. Examples: Retail Vs Wholesale, Dine In Vs Take out. Canadian tax rules can apply to items in combination with the type of item Also supported is tax for Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore and Mexico.
Item Setup
When adding items you should have already determined the transaction types and tax rates. For each item during setup you will determine their Tax Rate and if the item is taxed always by that tax rate or according to the transaction type.
Customer Option
CCS Office » CRM » Contact Search »Contact Information Screen. For a variety of reasons a customer might be a non-taxed customer.
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