CCS Point of Sale


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office:system_setup:start [2010/07/27 02:22]
maryrajah created
office:system_setup:start [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 The following grid explains the features of the control panel. Important options often used to perform various functions within the software will be explained in detail, while most of them are self-explanatory. The following grid explains the features of the control panel. Important options often used to perform various functions within the software will be explained in detail, while most of them are self-explanatory.
 +**Related Video** : [[http://​​help-videos/​46-back-office-management-videos/​224-ccs-product-searching.html|Control Panel Setup]]
 ===== Control Panel System Setup ===== ===== Control Panel System Setup =====
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 |[[Customers]]|Allows to set options for customer search and loyalty program usage | |[[Customers]]|Allows to set options for customer search and loyalty program usage |
 |[[Order List]]|Allows to customize the column width of the user interface for menu and terminal screens| ​ |[[Order List]]|Allows to customize the column width of the user interface for menu and terminal screens| ​
-|[[Email]]|Allows to set email settings for invoice and statement listings | 
 |[[Receipts]]|Allows to set various receipt options | |[[Receipts]]|Allows to set various receipt options |
 |[[Restaurant]]|Allows to set various options for food service| |[[Restaurant]]|Allows to set various options for food service|
 |[[Menu Button Layout]]|Allows to customize the menu button layout for the terminal screen | |[[Menu Button Layout]]|Allows to customize the menu button layout for the terminal screen |
-|[[Retail]]|Allows to set various options for retail service| +|[[POS Terminal]]|Allows to set options ​in POS terminal |
-|[[POS Terminal]]|Allows to set options POS terminal |+
 |[[Labels]]|Allows to setup various label options for printing| |[[Labels]]|Allows to setup various label options for printing|
-|Order Types|Provides options for different order types and their associated ​workflows+|[[Order Types]]|Provides options for different order types and their associated ​work-flows|  
 +|[[Tender Types]]|Setup Payment Methods|
 |[[Taxes]]|Allows to set tax options for commodities| |[[Taxes]]|Allows to set tax options for commodities|
 |[[Void_reasons]]|Allows to add reasons for void orders| |[[Void_reasons]]|Allows to add reasons for void orders|
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 |[[Registration]]|Allows you to register the software | |[[Registration]]|Allows you to register the software |
-[[office:​system_setup:​introduction:​Setup Retail]] 
-[[office:​system_setup:​introduction:​Setup Sales and CRM]] 
-[[office:​system_setup:​introduction:​Common Features]] 


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|