CCS Point of Sale


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guides:general:giftcardcheatsheet [2011/01/21 07:39]
guides:general:giftcardcheatsheet [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 There are several scenarios that will occur with  Gift Card Processing.\\ There are several scenarios that will occur with  Gift Card Processing.\\
-To make it easier ​will will define certain processes, and will refer to them throughout the document.\\+To make it easier ​we will define certain processes, and refer to them throughout the document. Gift Cards and Pre-Paid cards are used interchangeably.\\
-  * Issue a Pre Paid Card - This refers to selling a gift card, accepting money for it and giving it to a customer. +  ​* **Issue a Pre Paid Card** - This refers to selling a gift card, accepting money for it and giving it to a customer. 
-  * Redeem a Pre Paid Card - This refers to accepting a Pre Paid card as Payment for the Order. +  ​* **Redeem a Pre Paid Card** - This refers to accepting a Pre Paid card as Payment for the Order. 
-  * Gift Cards - Cards issued by the Mercury Payment system. +  ​* **Gift Cards** - Cards issued by the Mercury Payment system. 
-  * Void Issue Gift Cards- Voiding of the issuance of card. +  ​* **Void Issue Gift Cards** - Voiding of the issuance of card. 
-  * Void Gift Card Payment - Voiding of the payment by a gift card.+  ​* **Void Gift Card Payment** - Voiding of the payment by a gift card.
 ===== To Process Gift Card Issues: ===== ===== To Process Gift Card Issues: =====


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