CCS Point of Sale


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guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage [2011/01/24 03:46]
guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 ====== Setup and Use of Loyalty Programs ====== ====== Setup and Use of Loyalty Programs ======
-==== Pre-Requisite: ​ ==== 
-Version 3.15.39T+ 
-Professional Type and above. 
 ===== Summary ===== ===== Summary =====
-There are several types of loyalty programs associated with CCS. Each one of these have their own capabilities,​ requirements and setup.+There are several types of loyalty programs associated with CCS. Each one of these have their own capabilities,​ requirements and setup.\\
-==== Point Programs ​==== +===== Point Program =====
-Point programs are what you would expect out of something like a credit card point system. There are a couple of twists to how we use them, and add more than just a point option.+
-  ​[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyPoints|Loyalty Points]]  +^  Point Programs ​  ​^^  
-  ​- ​[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyCouponsStoreCredit|Loyalty Coupons / Store Credit]]  ​+|[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyPoints|Loyalty Points ]]|Point programs are what you would expect out of something like a credit card point system. There are a couple of twists to how we use them, and add more than just a point option.| ​ 
 +|[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyCouponsStoreCredit|Loyalty Coupons / Store Credit]]|Prints Coupons or gives store credit to customers.| ​ 
-==== Loyalty Groups ====+ =====Loyalty Groups ​=====
 Loyalty groups provide benefits to your customers once they purchase a specified number of items out of a group of items you design. \\ Loyalty groups provide benefits to your customers once they purchase a specified number of items out of a group of items you design. \\
-Examples of loyalty groups would be:  + Loyalty Groups ​  ​^^ ​ 
-  * Buy 10 coffees get 1 free.  +|[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​loyaltygroupsstart|Loyalty Groups Basic - Standard Setup for Loyalty Groups]]|Demonstrates:  ​Buy 10 Get 1 Free| 
-  * Buy 10 Cups of Frozen Yogurt, get 3.00 in store credit. +|[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyGroupsStoreCredit|Store Credit for Loyalty Groups]]|Demonstrates: ​Buy 10 Cups of Frozen Yogurt, get 3.00 in store credit. 
-  * Buy 8 Cups of Yogurt Get 8 oz free +|[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyGroups|Loyalty Groups with 'Up To' feature for Weighted Items]]|Demonstrates: ​Buy 8 Cups of Yogurt Get oz free|  
- +|[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​Loyalty_Groups_One_Free_Item]]|Use a group to provide Just one free item.| ​
-We will detail these examples respectively below: +
- +
-  - [[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​loyaltygroupsstart|Loyalty Groups Basic - Standard Setup for Loyalty Groups | Buy 10 Get 1 Free]] +
-  ​- ​[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyGroupsStoreCredit|Setting up Store Credit for Loyalty GroupsBuy 10 Cups of Frozen Yogurt, get 3.00 in store credit.]]  +
-  ​- ​[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​LoyaltyGroups|Loyalty Groups with 'Up To' feature for Weighted ItemsBuy 8 Cups of Yogurt Get oz free]] ​+
-==== Other Options ====+===== Other Options ​ =====
-  * [[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​ScanCustomerCards|Scan Customer Cards]]+[[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​ScanCustomerCards|Scan Customer Cards]]
 ===== Loyalty Program Setup ===== ===== Loyalty Program Setup =====


^From the Ground Up!| |[[Getting Started:]]| |[[Installation Guide:]]| |[[Pre Installation:]]| |[[Install CCS:]]| |[[Install New Database:]]| ^Guides| |[[Guides:]]| |[[FAQ:]]| |[[Trouble Shooting:]]| ^Credit Card Setup| |[[Data Cap Epay:]]| ^CCS Administration| |[[ Office:Office - General Management]]| ^CCS Terminal| |[[Office:Terminal]]| ^Hand Held Setup| |[[Hand Held:|Tablet]]| ^Kitchen Display| |[[KDS Software Setup:]]|