CCS Point of Sale


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faq:inventory_history [2018/09/13 18:19]
markph created
faq:inventory_history [2018/09/13 18:22] (current)
markph created
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 For example, a line item has this information:​ For example, a line item has this information:​
-Product Name +Product Name\\  
-Serial Number (barcode) +Serial Number (barcode)\\  
-Quantity Sold  +Quantity Sold \\  
-TraceCount  +TraceCount ​\\  
-Order Date+Order Date\\ 
 In this instance, we don't have the category, but we can get that by some other methods. ​ In this instance, we don't have the category, but we can get that by some other methods. ​
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 That value, when used in conjunction with the date, gives you a value of the inventory for that item at that date.  That value, when used in conjunction with the date, gives you a value of the inventory for that item at that date. 
-So if you wanted to look at all items sold between a date range, we could potentially say: +So if you wanted to look at all items sold between a date range, we could potentially say:\\  
-From 01/01/2018 to 01/30/2018  +From 01/01/2018 to 01/​30/​2018 ​\\  
-Select the Last Distinct Item ( this means you look at the last item of bubba kush sold (not all of them in that date range)) and get the Trace Count +Select the Last Distinct Item ( this means you look at the last item of bubba kush sold (not all of them in that date range)) and get the Trace Count.\\  
-And this process would repeat for all items sold during that date range. ​+And this process would repeat for all items sold during that date range. ​\\ 
-Now, the issue with this is, if you don't sell an item during that time, you don't have a value for inventory during that time, unless you just use what is currently shown in inventory.  +Now, the issue with this is, if you don't sell an item during that time, you don't have a value for inventory during that time, unless you just use what is currently shown in inventory. ​\\  
-That, of course, would be wrong, because there is no field that indicates when an inventory item is first added to your system, (if that were the case we would restrict the items it could show) +That, of course, would be wrong, because there is no field that indicates when an inventory item is first added to your system, (if that were the case we would restrict the items it could show)\\  
-However, this would lead to all other kinds of minor discrepancies. ​+However, this would lead to all other kinds of minor discrepancies. ​\\ 


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