CCS Point of Sale
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Loyalty Program for Store Credit
This guide explains how to use a loyalty program that gives store credit to this customer, when a certain number of items have been sold to the customer. When you add a customer to an order, they will begin to receive points for purchases of these items out of group.
To setup, see the Loyalty Setup here.
If you just setup this program, this Loyalty Program will be applied as soon as you restart the POS Software on each terminal.
One the loyalty program has been met, a 'Free Item' button will show on the bottom of the screen as seen below.
Use the 'Free Item' button to get the store credit that the customer has earned. There should be only one item in the list, select it by pressing it, then press the button below 'Select Item.'
Note the change in credit applied to the customer.
Pay with Store Credit
Once the customer has accrued credit, they may wish to use it.Pay With Store Credit
Trace: • loyalty