CCS Point of Sale

Loyalty Group Basics

Loyalty Groups is a way to setup a group of items, that customers would buy, and then receive something free based on the multiple purchases of these items. This can related to Buy 1 Get One Free coupons, Buy 10 coffees Get 1 Free and other options you may think of.



From the Office (main toolbar) - Menu Service - Loyalty Groups.

Group Setup

  1. Add a new Group
  2. Name the Group
  3. Group Type - Free Item
  4. QTY - 10
  5. Start Date - Yesterday
  • Optional: Do not require contact or Coupon. (If you wish to require this, apply this during another test. You will need to first make a coupon available to select from.)

Group Item Selection

Next, add items to the list. From the right select click on items that are on the menu tree. They will automatically be added to the list.

Check off each on the list, choose 'Offer Free' but do not choose 'Do Not Calc.'

Do not add the same item to different groups, they will only apply to one group properly. Also, if you change the item name in the menu after adding these items, you will need to delete the item from this list and add it back.

Using Loyalty in the POS

The loyalty group will begin to apply once the POS Terminal Software has been restarted on each computer. The items in this group will be added and associated together.

Items are added to the group when they are locked in the order. This generally occurs after payment or when the items are printed to the kitchen or bar.

The following screen shots depict the path to getting a free coffee.

1. Customer purchases more than 10 coffee's over time. 2. The 'Free Item' button appears. 3. The 'Free Item' button is used and the process begins again.

Note in the highlighted section, there are no items in the Coffee Loyalty Group Section 'Buy 10 Get 1 Free Coffee.'

Note in the highlighted section, items were purchased by this customer 'Buy 10 Get 1 Free Coffee.'

Note in the highlighted section, more items were purchased in the group 'Buy 10 Get 1 Free Coffee.'The customer can now receive 1 item from the group for free.

The free item was added, and the group was reduced.


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