CCS Point of Sale
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====== Loyalty Group Settings - Buy X number of Items, Get Store Credit ====== In group option scenario your customer will receive store credit once they buy a specified number of items out of your loyalty program. ===== Group Setup ===== We will set this group up with specific names and items. Please apply these settings to learn. Then test out your own options afterwards. Setup the group: CCS Office (Main Menu) - Menu Service - Loyalty Groups Setup of Group: - Add a Row - Name the Row: '10 Cups 3 Dollar Credit' - Group Type 'Free Item' - Qty Set to 10 - Discount Set to 0 - Start Date set to Yesterday - Store credit will fall only to customers, therefore you can leave the 'Requires Contact' option unchecked. {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:buy10getstrorecredit:setup1.png|}} Other options from below would be: day restrictions, or if the items in this group are being calculated by their weight. ===== Item Setup ===== Setting up the items of the groups requires you have a "Store Credit" item. Therefore, close this window, go to Menu Center - Menu Layout; add the item 'Store Credit' anywhere in the menu, and give it a price of $3.00. Then remove it from the menu. We will use this item as the Store Credit item, the customer will receive $3.00 in store credit.\\ Open the Loyalty Groups window again. Select the '10 Cups 3 Dollar Credit' row, then press the 'View Group items' from the toolbar.\\ * In the Item Selection window: Select items from tree on the right. * From the list, check off the items that will be calculated to add to the group. * Remove items if you don't wish them to be there. The 'Remove Item' is in the bottom left of the window. {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:buy10getstrorecredit:selectitemsingroup1.png|}} ===== Loyalty Program Use ===== This new Loyalty Program will be applied as soon as you restart the POS Software on each terminal. When you add a customer to an order, they will begin to receive points for purchases of these items out of the group. \\ <note>The customer must be assigned to the order prior to them paying. If they pay first, and then want their loyalty points, they will not be able to receive them.</note> One the loyalty program has been met, a 'Free Item' button will show on the bottom of the screen as seen below.\\ {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:freebutton.png|{{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:freebutton.png|}}}} Use the 'Free Item' button to get the store credit that the customer has earned. There should be only one item in the list, select it by pressing it, then press the button below 'Select Item.' {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:buy10getstrorecredit:selectitemingroup.png|}} Note the change in credit applied to the customer.\\ {{:guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:buy10getstrorecredit:selectitemingroup2.png|}} ===== Pay with Store Credit ===== Once the customer has accrued credit, they may wish to use it. The following link explains this process. [[guides:general:storecreditcards#Pay With Store Credit|Pay With Store Credit]]\\
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