CCS Point of Sale


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guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyaltygroups [2011/01/24 03:07]
guides:general:loyaltyprogramusage:loyaltygroups [2018/12/23 12:17] (current)
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 ====== Loyalty Group ====== ====== Loyalty Group ======
-Scenarios +This type of loyalty group allows you to set up an item that removes the quantity of weight from a sale. This example we use in this article is, buy 80 oz of yogurt, receive 4 oz free.
-  - "Up To" Free Item+
-===== Up To Item :=====+====== Sections ====== 
 +  - [[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​loyaltygroups#​Group Setup]] 
 +  - [[:​guides:​general:​loyaltyprogramusage:​loyaltygroups#​Using the Loyalty Program in the POS]] 
 +====== Group Setup ====== 
 +From the Office (Main Menu) - Menu Service - Loyalty Groups 
 +  - Add New Group 
 +  - Name it 'Up to 8 oz Free'​ 
 +  - Group Type - Free Item 
 +  - QTY - 80 
 +  - Discount - 0 
 +  - Start Date - Yesterday'​s Date 
 +Image shown below\\ 
 +====== Item Setup ====== 
 +  - Close the Loyalty Group window. 
 +  - Go to Menu Center - Menu Layout 
 +  - Add a New menu Item - 'Fro Yo 4 oz Free'​ 
 +  - Set the price of the item to be the same as your '​Frozen Yogurt'​ 
 +  - Add the Item to the menu 
 +  - From the 'Item Detail Section, set the 'Price +/-' field value to -4 (this indicates -4 oz to the system) 
 +See picture below. 
 +  * Then remove the item from the menu layout. 
 +Press View Group Items from the Toolbar\\ 
 +  - Select the items from the right -Use weighted items, we used Frozen Yogurt 
 +  - Select the Free Item - 'Fro Yo 4 oz free'​ 
 +  - Set the 'Fro Yo 4 oz Free' item to 'Do Not Calc'  
 +  - Set the 'Fro Yo 4 oz Free' to Offer Free 
 +====== Using the Loyalty Program in the POS ====== 
 +The loyalty program applies it self naturally during the order process.  
 +  - Start a new order 
 +  - Assign a customer 
 +  - Add Items 
 +  - Close the order 
 +  - Repeat 
 +Once the quantity of the group has been reached, a free item button will appear. The button will offer a 'Fro Yo 4 oz Free' item. Select the Fro Yo 4 oz Free item, it will apply the net weight of the frozen yogurt minus the four ounces assigned by the menu layout field 'Price +/-' 
 +The following screen shots depict the transactions. 
 +A contact is added to the order, and frozen yogurt is purchased from the loyalty group. Several Orders on, there is 60 oz of yogurt purchased towards the program.\\ 
 +The total has been exceed, the 'Free Item' button presents the cashier with the free item selection window.\\ 
 +The 'Fro Yo 4 oz Free' item was selected and added to the order. Note the weight on the scale, and the weight charged the Fro Yo 4 oz Free, 4oz has been subtracted.\\ 
-  * Deduct the total net-weight of the item you are selling by any quantity. For weighted items, you may make a "UP To" Discount feature. So for example, if your discount is for up to 8 oz free, you can set up and item that doesn'​t charge for the first 8 ounces. To use, place the value you are subtracting in the "Price +/-" field in the menu layout. Input it as a negative value. 
-  *  Option for Choosing items that can be discounted, and items that are just calculated in the loyalty group program 


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