CCS Point of Sale
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Menu Button Layout
There are three sections to the Menu Button Layout:
- POS Navigation Toolbar
- Menu Functions
- Retail Functions
The changes to the menu functions are not visible in the POS Software until you restart the POS Software. You should only change these functions during non-business hours.
There are default functions setup for each section. If you change functions, add/delete buttons or change the name, you can always reset to the default functions.
Function | Function Description | |
Add Inventory Item To Order | When in the retail screen this option adds the searched inventory item from the inventory list | |
Adjust Total | Offers the cashier or server the ability to adjust the entire total of the order by entering a order total value | |
Age Check | Offers the cashier a window to swipe a drivers license that reports the license holder's age and name | |
Alpha Sorting | Sorts the menu items in the menu screen | |
Back | Navigates back to the previous screen when available | |
Buy Back | Is a buy back function for specific business types | |
Caller ID | Navigates to the caller id screen | |
Cancel Order | Cancels the current order. Deletes the items in the order. If items are printed, or saved this is not available | |
Cash Close | Closes the order by taking the cashier or server to the cash screen | |
Change Input Quantity | Changes the pre-input quantity of the item | |
Change Item Quantity | Changes the selected item in the receipt's quantity | |
Clear Item Notes | Clears the text input items' notes | |
Close Order | Closes the current order to the payment screen | |
Credit Payment | Displays the credit payment window with the current remaining balance of the order | |
Daily Reporting | Provides user access to the daily reporting window | |
Debit Sale | Performs a debit sale | |
Delete Item | Deletes an item from the current order if the item is not saved or printed | |
Discounts | Opens the discount window | |
Display Order Total | Shows the order total on the VFD customer display | |
Discount Order Specified | Allows to a add a specific discount based on the variable chosen from the variable field | |
Exact Cash | Closes the order with the exact change | |
Fast Close | Closes the order. A variable number can be placed in this function, such as $20. This will apply $20 as a payment. This will result in the order showing the change back from $20.00 | |
Find Customer | Shows the customer search window or the current customer if an order is assigned to the customer | |
Gift Card | Shows the gift card payment window | |
Gift Certificate | Shows the gift certificate payment window | |
Gift Mercury | Set for processing payment of Mercury Gift Cards | |
Gift Card Balance | Displays the balance of a swiped or keyed gift card. | |
Group Items In Plate | Groups items in the menu screen. This will display a blue line beneath item selected in the list | |
Guest Count | Allows to Change the guest count in the order | |
Event Scheduling | Shows an event scheduler for the order | |
Hold Order | Holds the order items for times specified | |
Input Item Quantity | Inputs the item quantity for the next item pressed | |
Inventory Item -Add | Adds a new inventory item | |
Inventory Item -Edit | Edits the current inventory item selected | |
Item Copy | Copies an item into the order | |
Item Groups | Groups items | |
Item Discount | Items Discount Prompt. Manager access only | |
Item Price | Allows to changes the item price. Manager access only | |
Item Return | Reverse item charge and prompts for item to be returned to inventory. Manager access only | |
Item Rounds | Rounds the quantity of items to a whole number | |
Keyboard | Used for notes & order naming | |
Keep the Change | Adds the amount required to equal a whole dollar amount for the order | |
Lock Station | Locks the station to PIN entry | |
Loyalty Button | Applies the loyalty options for the customer | |
Loyalty Points | Applies unused loyalty points | |
Print Order To Kitchen | Prints order to prep area or kitchen | |
Make Payment | Requests Input of payment amount from the menu screen or retail screen | |
New Order | Starts a new order | |
No Sale | Opens the cash drawer | |
Office | Opens CCS Office - Accessed users only | |
Order Info | Shows order info screen and order notes | |
Order/Inventory | In Retail window, shows user the order or inventory items | |
Order Name | Input Screen for order name | |
Order Type | Changes order type, or updates all items to new order type | |
Payment Screen | Takes cashier or server to payment window | |
Pending Orders | Shows user open orders or pending orders | |
Pre-Auth | Pre-auth window for swiping credit cards | |
Print Last Order | Prints last order | |
Print Check | Prints current orders check | |
Print Label | Prints label for items in order | |
POS Functions | Shows POS functions window | |
Read Scale | Displays the scale reader | |
Re-Make Order | Re-Prints the items to the kitchen or prep area | |
Search Menu | Searches the menu items with an on screen keyboard | |
POS Settings | Shows POS Settings | |
Spacer | Adds a spacer button to the toolbar | |
Scan | Sets the menu screen to retail scanning | |
Reservations | Shows the reservations window | |
Retail Screen | Shows the retail screen | |
Return Item Standard | Normal item return | |
Return Item Advanced | Item return with kiosk features | |
Tables | Shows the restaurant table window | |
Time Clock | Shows the time clock options | |
View Open Orders | Shows the open orders window | |
View Inventory Info | In the retail screen when in inventory view, this shows the inventory items information | |
View Inventory Prices | In the retail screen when in inventory view, this shows the inventory items prices | |
Void Item | Voids selected item in the order | |
What Can I Get | Runs the option to determine the price of an item (used for dispensaries) | |
What Can I Get Tiered | Displays the list of pricing for an item. Press this button, then press the menu item to see the list. |
Trace: • menu_button_layout