CCS Point of Sale
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====== POS Terminal ====== ===== Summary ===== The POS terminal menu option in the control panel provides a variety of options to manage the POS terminal screen ===== POS Terminal Settings ===== **Closing Procedures:** Allows to set the user who has the permission to close the end of day\\ **User Interface:** Allows to set an background image for the terminal screen either a screen or tiled image\\ Please see [[Image Setup]] on how to add logos and images in CCS\\ **Entry Screen Functions:** Allows to restrict certain functions in the entry screen of the POS terminal\\ **Other Rules:** Provides a variety of miscellaneous settings on the POS terminal such as to hide time clock features, screen to navigate after an order closes etc\\ **POS Functions:** Allows to add numerous POS functions such as tip options, split order options, recalculate tier weighted pricing for mix and match items\\ A snapshot of the POS terminal settings window in control panel as shown in below: {{:office:system_setup:cpanel_postrml.jpg|}}
Trace: • pos_terminal