CCS Point of Sale
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====== Receipts ====== ===== Receipt Options ===== Print Option: This sets if the receipt prints out at the close of the order.\\ Receipt Type: Choose based on the printer type you use.\\ Print Layout: Standard Font for the items in the print out.\\ Don't Print Modifier Notes on Receipt: This refers to user input notes. This may not be appropriate to show the customer on the regular receipt.\\ ===== Print Layout Options ===== |**Option**|**Description**| |Print Order ID as Bar code on Receipt| |Don't Print Modifier Notes on Receipt| |Suggest 15% 18% 20% tips on Receipt| |Group Modifier Pricing in Main Item Price| |Print Credit Card Receipt Separately| |Require DL Verification| |Save Driver's License Number with Credit Card Payments| |Hide Contact Info on Receipt| |Display Tax with Line Items| |Display Total Above Tax in Receipt| |Replace Product Name with Department, Brand on Receipt| |Show what customer saved on Receipt| |IVA/VAT Display Style in Receipt| |Employee Name Format| ===== Receipt Footer Options ===== *Designed for 8 1/2 * 11 receipts *Footers are overridden by footers from transaction management
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