CCS Point of Sale


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office:restaurant_menu:price_categories [2010/11/19 21:26]
office:restaurant_menu:price_categories [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
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 ==== Price Columns ==== ==== Price Columns ====
-Retail: Standard price for customers +  * Retail: Standard price for customers 
-Cost: Purchase price or cost of item +  ​* ​Cost: Purchase price or cost of item 
-Price1: Tier pricing for customers or happy hour +  ​* ​Price1: Tier pricing for customers or happy hour 
-Price2: Same as Price1 +  ​* ​Price2: Same as Price1 
-Price3: Same as Price1+  ​* ​Price3: Same as Price1
 ==== Inventoried ==== ==== Inventoried ====
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 Indicates ​ what size the pizza is, or if a topping what the price is for the correct pizza size. Indicates ​ what size the pizza is, or if a topping what the price is for the correct pizza size.
 +===== Add Price Category =====
 +You have two options to add a new price category:
 +  - You can add a new price category during the process of adding a new menu item \\
 +  - You can add a price category after you add the menu item by clicking on Edit Pricing\\
 +To add a new price category when you add a new menu item. Please see [[office:​restaurant_menu:​addnewitem|Add New Menu Item]]\\
 +To add a new price category after you add a new menu item:
 +  - Highlight the Menu Item from the grid and click on Edit Pricing
 +  - Enter a name in the Price Category Description
 +  - Add price lines for the menu item
 +  - Once done, click on Save and Close
 +If you want to assign the new pricing category to any other items, highlight the menu item and choose the pricing category from the drop down next to the Edit Pricing button or you can assign the new pricing category in the New Product Wizard under Select Category/​Enter Prices Section.
 ===== Price Category Management ===== ===== Price Category Management =====
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 Pricing Categories allows you to review the items that are assigned to different price categories. It is also used to edit price lines.The category tree on the left lists all the price categories. Expanding the nodes shows what products are tied to the category.By selecting each category, you can edit the price lines on the right side. Pricing Categories allows you to review the items that are assigned to different price categories. It is also used to edit price lines.The category tree on the left lists all the price categories. Expanding the nodes shows what products are tied to the category.By selecting each category, you can edit the price lines on the right side.
-===== Add Price Category ===== 
-To add a new price category, you would first need to add a new menu item. Please see [[office:​restaurant_menu:​addnewitem|Add New Menu Item]]+ 


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