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office:system_setup:label_printer_setup [2016/07/05 19:33]
markph [Windows Settings]
office:system_setup:label_printer_setup [2018/12/23 12:11] (current)
Line 29: Line 29:
 **From the Printer Setup Window:** **From the Printer Setup Window:**
-Go to section 3. Prep _Label Printers+Go to section 3. Prep _Label Printers\\
-  * Select the Zebra Label Printer you have added through windows. +  * Select the Zebra Label Printer you have added through windows.\\ 
-  * Name the location as "Medicine ​Label" this way if you have multiple label printers, you will know which one prints labels for Medicine.+  * Name the location as "​Label"​ this way if you have multiple label printers, you will know which one prints labels for Medicine.\\
-Press the advanced button to bring up the Advanced Settings window.+Press the advanced button to bring up the Advanced Settings window.\\
-From the Advanced Settings window. +From the Advanced Settings window.\\ 
-  ​Set the "Label Size" as Prescription2.+  ​For label sized 2.25X2 ​Set the "Label Size" as Prescription2 ​or Dispensary\\ 
 +For each computer, you would need to copy the '​ReportSettings.mdb' file from this computer'​s Cafe Cartel directory to the other computers. This file contains the settings associated with the printer and where to print out to. This is only needed when you setup the labels for the first time.\\ 
 +After this is done, you can assign the items to the print location of '​Label'​\\


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